by alina
Remove before updating to v3.0.0 or v0.4
Adds a shortcut (quick action) to call a specific number. The user can change the number any time from...
by alina
Recommended to remove before installing v3.0.0 (for SFOS 3) or v0.2 (for SFOS 2.0.1)
Adds quick actions to:
Take a photo (with rear camera)
Record a...
by alina
Recommended to remove before installing v3.0.0
You can do this thru Terminal with:
devel-su pkcon remove sailfishos-patch-calendar-quickaction
by alina
Recommended to remove before installing v3.0.0
You can do this thru Terminal with:
devel-su pkcon remove sailfishos-patch-clock-quickactions
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