by coderus
Simple patch adding glass avatar to conversation background. You might need to killall jolla-messages after appying this patch.
Github: https://...
The Application has been renamed, thus you...
by BillyHalley
Doesn't work properly after OS, i'm no longer mantaining this patch.
Create a wall clock accessible from the Jolla Clock, clicking on the...
by nickcis
Patch for sending messages with the enter key (for the jolla-messages app).
by gexc
pdnsd is a proxy DNS server with permanent caching (the cache contents are written to hard disk on exit) that is designed to cope with unreachable or...
by coderus
Simple application for controlling incoming ssh cconnections. Every connection will be prompted for user confirmation or notified to user.
by libretrend
WhipeMe is a simple Whip reproducer program for the Jolla Phone.
by nodevel
A streaming music player, playing music from, The platform for independent music.
Currently, it can browse Artists, Albums, Tracks,...
by micko_L
Gym Logbook is a simple and small app that you can use to keep track of your workout routines and exercise progression.
by BillyHalley
Doesn't work on 1.1.9, i'm not going to release an update since battery is natively visible in the lock screen since this update.
This patch...
by alfmar
Sets Sailfish OS Qt clipboard from command-line.
[nemo@Jolla ~]$ echo "If we come to a minefield, our infantry attacks exactly as it were...
by birdzhang
dota2Almanac,just for fun
You can modified it to your language ,if you play the game Dota2
source code can be found :
by muppis
Adds a timestamps for calllog yesterday and older entries.
Remember use Patchmanager Restart preloaded services -selection from menu or reboot the...
by yuvraaj
Native Qt app to control your Tesla Model S
See where your car is on a map and the address of the location
See charging status
Flash lights, honk the...
by Star
by saberaltria
Apple Cargo For Jolla By Saber Altria
Apple Cargo 蘋果集裝箱是 蘋果日報 非官方程式, 提供即時新聞、 頭條新聞、 娛樂熱話等各類資訊, 另附蘋果動新聞, 讓你的 Jolla 隨時緊貼本地、 國際大事!
P.S. 內容版權由壹傳媒 (...
by moofang
A simple Flip-a-Coin simulator app for Sailfish, since there apparently isn't one yet.
Initiate a flip from the pulley menu and watch the coin roll...
by shellkr
Memo is a command line, Unix-style note-taking software written in C99. It's very flexible and works well with standard Unix tools. Memo is developed...
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