by NielDK
The sendmail package contains a Mail Transport Agent (MTA).
by kwazel
This is a trip planner for users of the Train in the Netherlands. It retreives information from the NS (Dutch Railways), but will also show some...
by NielDK
ClamAV is an open source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats.
by ovekaaven
Call blocker for SailfishOS.
ScumStopper now has a SourceForge project. For advanced usage instructions, see the Wiki page. For the source code, see...
by condo4
Portage of N9 2048 game for SailfishOS
by wanggjghost
一个Sailfish OS的中文天气应用
by titilambert
With Squilla you can send and receive SMS from/to your computer using Bonjour/XMPP.
This is an alpha release, please be patient :)
This is the port...
by forgrimm
SailContacts is a Contact application that provides two Views:
ListView: Shows all your contacts in a list, with a picture and beside the picture the...
by Renha
Gforth is the Forth implementation of the GNU project (Current release 0.7.3, have a look to the User Manual).
by birdzhang
孔明棋,是法国跳棋独立钻石在中国的别称,也有人叫它跳弹珠,或者叫它“Pegged”。 ---来自百度百科
1.本软件是由 “蝉曦” 制作,详情请移步:
by kimmoli
Sets your phone into Flightmode
This is intended to be used as shortcut in lock-screen pulldown. Pair with
by Simom
Rena - Track recorder
Rena is short of "reittinauhuri" (finnish, meaning track recorder). Rena records your track when you walk, run, cycle or...
by RobertMe
Xbmcremote is an application that puts you in control of your XBMC box using mobile devices. You can browse the library, create playlists and view/...
by NielDK
by saberaltria
Hong Kong Junk Call List
HK Junk Call List 香港垃圾來電清單 由 廣告電話 製作,本人只是稍為整理、打包,此安裝包只包含香港廣告電話清單,因此必須配合程式 ScumStopper 使用。
by mikel83
Doc Scanner for Sailfish OS.
This application allows user to capture an image and make a scan from it. You can scan or upload documents quickly such...
by NielDK
The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security
tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals...
by Van_ess0
NOTE: It's recommended to unapply patches and uninstall the previous version before updating.
Need patchmanager....
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