Piepmatz (Beta/preliminary)

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You can only find preliminary versions here!

Please go to https://openrepos.net/content/werkwolf/piepmatz to find the full versions!

Application versions: 
File harbour-piepmatz-0.1-19.armv7hl.rpm253.8 KB02/04/2017 - 19:12
File harbour-piepmatz-0.1-19.i486.rpm269.46 KB02/04/2017 - 19:12
File harbour-piepmatz-0.1.1-2.armv7hl.rpm259.45 KB08/04/2017 - 17:29
File harbour-piepmatz-0.1.1-2.i486.rpm274.84 KB08/04/2017 - 17:29
File harbour-piepmatz-0.2-5.armv7hl.rpm278.9 KB03/05/2017 - 23:56
File harbour-piepmatz-0.2-5.i486.rpm297.32 KB03/05/2017 - 23:56
File harbour-piepmatz-0.2.1-4.i486.rpm300.26 KB08/05/2017 - 21:04
File harbour-piepmatz-0.2.1-4.armv7hl.rpm282 KB08/05/2017 - 21:04
File harbour-piepmatz-0.3-8.armv7hl.rpm305.79 KB21/05/2017 - 18:37
File harbour-piepmatz-0.3-8.i486.rpm326.88 KB21/05/2017 - 18:37
File harbour-piepmatz-0.4-3.armv7hl.rpm311.06 KB10/06/2017 - 16:53
File harbour-piepmatz-0.4-3.i486.rpm332.2 KB10/06/2017 - 16:53
File harbour-piepmatz-0.4.280-1.i486.rpm305.55 KB08/11/2017 - 22:38
File harbour-piepmatz-0.4.280-1.armv7hl.rpm288.97 KB08/11/2017 - 22:38
File harbour-piepmatz-0.5-19.armv7hl.rpm336.86 KB21/11/2017 - 23:53
File harbour-piepmatz-0.5-19.i486.rpm356.47 KB21/11/2017 - 23:53

- Show user's favorites in profile
- Standalone tweet page incl. geotagging information
- New picture slideshow
- @-mentioning support during tweet creation
- Local trends (see popular hash tags and keywords from your area in search)
- Copy tweet/user URL to clipboard
- Geotagging for tweets (needs to be enabled in your Twitter privacy settings at https://twitter.com/settings/safety)
- A lot of bugfixes
- Probably a lot of new bugs

- Use 280 characters for a tweet
- Bugfix: Bottom push-up menu can't scroll infinitely anymore

- Retweet with comment
- Load more tweets in timeline
- Improved video playback (now with remaining time)
- Better link preview
- Bugfix: Crash/Freeze on scrolling
- Bugfix: Error loading direct messages with suspended user

- Search for users
- Display user lists for followers & following
- Direct messages (up to 10.000 characters)
- System notifications for new messages and mentions

- Find images in Pictures folder on SD card
- Added Swedish translation (thanks to Åke Engelbrektson)
- Updated Japanese translation

- Pinch-to-zoom for images
- Attach up to 4 images to a tweet
- Link preview powered by Open Graph (for Instagram, Facebook, news sites etc.)
- Open tweet in browser
- Translations for Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish. Thanks to all contributors, listed in the README

- Added translations for Dutch, French, Russian and Spanish. Thanks to d9h02f, Sagittarii, Oleg Urzhumtcev and Carmen F. B.
- Cover action for reloading now also updates notifications
- Fixed loading indicator for notifications, terms of use and privacy statement
- Fixed blank timeline after loading error

- Initial public release


apozaf's picture

Does not work any more. API not supported :(

JeffHoogland's picture

This is probably the best native sailfish OS app I have used to date. Feels very polished and professional.

Only feature I really miss from the Android twitter app is their gif search, but that is more fun than functional.

Would it be possible for you to make it so you can swipe left / right on the main screen to change what you are viewing? For instance swipe left to move from the time line to notifications, and then again to get to messages?

Also - do you have a donation paypal link so I can send you a few dollars? Always like to support the FOSS apps I use. 

Ygriega's picture

Wow, that's compliment! Thank you so much for that feedback. I have been thinking about including such a carousel, but up to now I focused more on other features. Piepmatz 1.0 is not that far away - with a lot of new features, but without the carousel. I will try that out after the next release. 

The next version will also include a payment option, so probably you don't need to donate anymore. ;) However, as you mention dollars - I won't be able to enter the US market, but we'll find a solution. I get back to you after the upcoming release.

objectifnul's picture

Great job.

<neversatisfied mode ON>

Wish list: Mastodon capability (see https://github.com/tootsuite/documentation/blob/master/Using-the-API/API.md)

<neversatisfied mode OFF>

Ygriega's picture

Thanks. And yes, I know that Mastodon is the new trending platform and that it has a nice API. I've received quite some requests to support it as well.

However, I have to admit that it's not on my priority list. First I would like to get some additional Twitter features into Piepmatz and second I have some other app projects in my mind which would come before Mastodon.

From my side I only see a chance of Mastodon support this year if Twitter stops their API support, if there is a huge shift in the userbase from Twitter to Mastodon so that I personally would have the urge to move as well or if there is suddenly a huge opportunity in earning money if I wrote a Mastodon client. All these events are possible, but highly unlikely. ;)

So I have to say sorry for now (but times may change). However, maybe somebody else starts an initiative. Moreover, Qt/SFOS development is not as hard as it may look like. Would be great to see more people start developing... I started last year as well because I was missing a decent dictionary application. ;)

flanker's picture

I've got ported Oneplus X. I used Sailfish now I've upraged 2.1 version.

Suddenly, I can't click on any link. Clicking on link do nothing. Link doesn't open in Piepmatz nor external browser.

I'm not sure but I have this problem since Piepmatz version 0.2-5, no relation to Sailfish version.

Did anybody find out same issiu?

Ygriega's picture

I've got such reports several times already - in all cases the root cause was that users played with the settings for their default browser. Maybe https://openrepos.net/content/llelectronics/mimer is an option for you to reset the setting if you've not already used it.

flanker's picture

Thanks for reply. I tried adviced Mimer. It helped, now I can at least open Piepmatz links in native browser.

As root I didn't do any related changes (sometimes I only install apps localy ...). It's strange what could change.


objectifnul's picture

Hi. Every time I load my TL, an error message appears (too briefly to copy it), beginning with "error tranferring https://api..." and finishing with "...server replied: Forbidden"

Ygriega's picture

Sounds strange. Maybe try to re-initialize the app. Please delete /home/nemo/.config/harbour-piepmatz and restart the app. Then you need to authenticate with Twitter again.

objectifnul's picture

Already done before. Error still showing up. Private messages not shown.

Ygriega's picture

Previously, you mentioned your TL, now you say that the private messages are not shown. So don't you see any of both or are just the direct messages missing?

In any case, it would be better to continue the bug hunting either on GitHub (as new issue) or via e-mail. No matter what you choose, please give me as much information as possible: Which parts of the app are not working? Can you see the exact URL of the error message (the part before the .json is important)? Which device, OS version?

objectifnul's picture

Okay, will try to do so. Uneasy, as the error is only displayed less than half a second. Didn't find any log file to track it. Device is Jolla phone, running Iijoki.

Ygriega's picture

Well, you should at least be able to answer which parts of the app are not working - or which information is not displayed. ;) Moreover, if you launch /usr/bin/harbour-piepmatz from the Terminal (Developer Mode required), you'll also see all the errors there...

objectifnul's picture

Email sent with details.

EDIT: Issue solved with v0.3.1

Ygriega's picture

To explain a bit: If you have direct messages in the last 30 days that were sent by a nowadays suspended user, you get this error message and no DMs are displayed. I have a hotfix for this issue available, which will be included in the next release 0.3.1. In case somebody of you experiences the same issue, please let me know, I'll send you a preliminary build as I did for objectifnul.

ferlanero's picture

Wow! What an incredible work you have made with Piepmatz! Thank you very much for this gold-piece. If you admit sugestions, it would be great if Piepmatz could support timeline auto update ;)


Ygriega's picture

Thank you very much for this nice feedback! Of course, suggestions are always welcome. Timeline auto-update will come after the keep-list-position-after-update works smoothly. There is already a preliminary solution to this in 0.2, but maybe it needs some refinement. :)

TMavica's picture

unable to choose the picture from sdcard?

Ygriega's picture

So far, Piepmatz only scans the default Pictures path and all subfolders. This path is set by the operating system, so I wonder why Jolla doesn't change it when you change the respective Camera setting. Details here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstandardpaths.html

If I were allowed to access the Gallery's tracker/index data, life would be much easier. But as far as I know, there is no official/Harbour-approved API for this... If anybody knows something, please let me know!

TMavica's picture

I cant refresh my tweet either in background cover or inside apps, it said network unavailable

I need to close and relaunch to work


Ygriega's picture

Is this still reproducible or was this a one-time issue? If it is, please send me an e-mail with details about used device, OS version and used network...

TMavica's picture

JollaC, version

It seem happened when it is idle long time or maybe I switched the network from mobile internet to wifi, or maybe I lost connection, it reconnected, dont know which situation it happen, should be either of them


RouvMU's picture

I've been waiting for a long time for an updated twitter app like yours :) Very nice! Will it be possible to see group (direct) messages? Or is that an api limitation? Thank you!

Ygriega's picture

Unfortunately, Twitter has decided to support personal direct messages only - currently no support for group chats is being planned. See also https://twittercommunity.com/t/group-dm-support-via-the-apis/31266

So I'm sorry to tell you that Piepmatz will only support personal direct messages in the near future...

fr0zi's picture

Awesome! :) I can't wait for Direct Messages :)

richdb's picture


ferlanero's picture

Wow! Incredible work! Only a few minutes using this app and I already love it! Keep the good work and thank you very much for your efforts! :D

hoodlum's picture


Sailbook's picture

Nice work thanks for it !