AllRadio (new build + aarch64)

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A compiled version of the latest source (2021) of AllRadio, and an aarch64 version for 64 bit devices (Xperia 10 ii).

This package will be removed when the authors of the app release an official aarch64 package and an updated build.

Application versions: 
File harbour-allradio-1.6.0-1.aarch64.rpm294.47 KB30/05/2021 - 23:59
File harbour-allradio-1.6.0-1.armv7hl.rpm293.82 KB30/05/2021 - 23:59
File harbour-allradio-1.6.0-1.i486.rpm294.41 KB30/05/2021 - 23:59



Seven_of_nine's picture

Doesn't start at SFOS (blank screen only, no function, closing possible, no crash) but works super fine at SFOS, both Xperia 10.

Thank you for this wonderful app!

Didn't know that AllRadio also can play webradio, but it can! Currently listening to Bolivia Tierra Querida using their playlist link for VLC Player. Very nice app! Thanks again!

francko69's picture

All i get is a blank white screen when i open this app on a Xperia XA2 / Sailfish OS 4.6

tw_bolek's picture

Install missing mpris-qt5 and mpris-qt5-qml-plugin

ogust_biller's picture

Not running on my XZ2Compzct with . "org.nemomobile.impris not found"

mz_i_norge's picture

To month's later I have a question. After updating the OS the app is asking for different permissions like:
- microphone
- positioning (GPS)
- camera
- mediaindex
- sd-card.
Is this a nice Spyware-app?
Please correct this issue. Otherwise the app is useless.

PawelSpoon's picture

Would be a chum candidate

mz_i_norge's picture

Thanks a lot for giving us back this beautiful app. I was waiting a long time for this must-have app. Works perfectly an my Xperia 10 II.

inte's picture

Great app but all stations I tried stop after a short while with the app reporting "server does not support seeking"

Seven_of_nine's picture

Thanks very much for this wonderful app! Works really fine and looks good and UI is very easy and provides all needed functions in a well arranged way.

Many thanks also for the rich station database!

Want to provide a feature suggestion: Is it possible to add a recording button so the user can record radio programs like with a good old radio cassette recorder in ancient times? That would be marvellous!

edit: idea for a 'standard' version: Write audio stream from radio station into a file, named with station name, date and time.

idea for a 'luxury' version: convert audio stream into mp3 or another usual audio format, to make it possible to cut later with Audacity.

idea for a 'super luxury' version: add playback, cue + review for the recorded files.

(I'm only dreaming...)

ferlanero's picture

Hi Adel! Congrats for your initiative updating some of the bests apps for Sailfish! As user of AllRadio, I'm very grateful for your work. Along with AllRadio, I'm using Deadbeef Silica as main app for audio & music playing. Even DeadBeef Sillica is really good for audio broadcasting from any internet radio. So, do you think it would be possible to compile an aarch64 version to use it on Xperia 10 II?

I leave you all the info I found relative to this app:

If you need any help, please don't hesitate contact me again

Thank you very much for your work!

Regards, Fernando.