Native unofficial songkick client
If you are into concerts, then is definitely the best site to visit. It has all the venues from the big to the tineast ones. I like that site and the android app so much that i have written a native app for it.
CAUTION: 4.3 version is for sfos 4.3, while 3.2 is built against some 3.2 target
thanks for hints and/or existing source code to:
- marko k (ownKeepass)
- coderus
- leszek
- ichthyosaurus (tab control)
thanks to all translators !
If you like my work, buy me a beer :
4.19 new my-events-in-all-areas page
4.15 fix loading of festivals without artists, highlight im going on plans page
4.14 remove sharing, only copy will remain
open artist page from concerts and plans page
4.10 updated swedish
4.9 fixes empty plans page when event has no performers defined
4.8 should fix fresh installs. if storing of user does not work for you: delete .local/share/oarg.pawelspoon/harbour-sailkick and install again, then set username, run get-tracked-items and restart
4.7 fix area view: events without artists would break the page
4.6 a very basic sailjail implementation - you will need to re-tner your account username, you can cleanup
home/.cache/harbour-sailkick & home/.config/harbour-sailkick folders manually
the new folders are in oarg.pawelspoon
4.5 built for sfos 4.3 - fixed share and copy on area and artist page
4.4 built for sfos 4.3 - removed transferengine, share to clipboard, share to mail
updated swedish, fixed german and czech
3.2 updated german and swedish
3.1 elide title on all pages,
search on artists and locations
fix attendance on plan page (issue brought in 3.0.4)
3.0.4 quick fix for landscape support - new tab control
3.0.3 translation support on tabbed main page, english and german translation
transiflex needs to be updated yet
3.0.2 cover page button works now, coverpage too, but on the initial page :)
allow all orientations
3.0.1 fully working, but coverpage
coverpage does not show the lists and is unsynced, when swiping between the tabs
also action button does not work
3.0 reworked UI:
tabs instead of caroussel
refresh now refreshes all pages
possible to switch between native event view and webview
2.5 no new features, uploaded lost code to github :), new sdk and new build target 3.3
2.4 copy / paste artists and venue adress from event page
plans page has now refresh
add cover action
updated translations
2.3 manage location and artists webview does now scale properly and should be usable
after modifying location / artists, it is sufficient to use refreh pulley, no need to get back to concerts and use 'get tracking items' ..
2.2 translate attendance (i' going / maybe) on plans page, shows 'on-tour-info' on artist page.
this on-tour-info gets only. update on 'get tracking items from songkick'.
this version is the first baby step to offline capability of this app.
2.1 new SDK, show all performers of an event in event view
1.7.2 remove open in webview context menu, fix broke manage artists/locations page
1.7 events detail page
1.6 live coverpage
1.5.5 updated translations for sv, nl
1.5.4 updated translations, sv and de should be now complete, es all but help page
Wed, 2022/06/01 - 11:58
I have problem get items or I think that my user name doesn't get saved. When trying to save name console gives me:
file:///usr/share/harbour-sailkick/qml/Persistance.js:126: Error: no such table: user Unable to execute statement
also folder in .config/oarg.pawelspoon is empty.
Using latest 4.7 version and latest Sailfish OS 4.4
Any advice?
Sat, 2022/06/04 - 17:31
ok a fast workaround: install 4.5 version and set your user
update to 4.7
copy Datanases folder from .local/share/harbour-sailkick...
to .local/share/oarg.pawelspoon/hafbour-sailkick.....
then you have an initialized db and can set./ unset.your.password and all
Sat, 2022/06/04 - 17:31
ok a fast workaround: install 4.5 version and set your user
update to 4.7
copy Datanases folder from .local/share/harbour-sailkick...
to .local/share/oarg.pawelspoon/hafbour-sailkick.....
then you have an initialized db and can set./ unset.your.password and all
Sun, 2022/06/05 - 07:48
Tried it and it worked. Everything is working as expected with new update.
Thanks again
Thu, 2022/06/02 - 21:49
try to install 4.5 version
Thu, 2022/06/02 - 21:45
ok i have deleted the dbs made a fresh install and can reproduce it
the 3 folders .local/ .config .cache should be whitelisted
i have no clue why sailjail creates a 0 file db. sucks. no idea a no motivation right now
Thu, 2022/06/02 - 21:09
.config contains configurations. i do not use that, so the folder is empty. in my case it is too.
.local/share/harbour-sailkick/harbour-sailkick/qml/offllinestorage/databases was the old location that contains the database files that contain the stored user and your tracking items
.local/share/oarg.pawelspoon/harbour-sailkick/qml/Offlinestorage/databases/ ... is the new location
check if the path exists or not. else i would uninstall install , you can t loose any data but your username
or i would uninstall delete the db and install again..
did you made a fresh install on 4.4 ?
Fri, 2022/06/03 - 00:06
Didn't make fresh install, but not sure from what version updated cause haven't used Sailkick long time. I installed 4.5 version and it's working. It asked many permissions when latest 4.7 version asked only permission for internet. Anyway I'm happy with this version.
Thanks for great app.
Fri, 2022/06/03 - 07:16
it asks for everything, because that is the default behaviour of sailjail when app is not defining what it needs.
internally it needs nothing
4.7 defines that it needs internet which should be sufficient, but obviously not.
Sun, 2021/12/19 - 19:59
I will not go bankrupt by buyibg obe beer ;)
Sun, 2021/12/19 - 12:51
Nice work, if we see each other sometime @ arena, chelsea, ... I'll buy you a beer :)
Sun, 2021/12/19 - 13:00
i heard the beer prices are just too high there :)
Mon, 2020/08/31 - 16:30
Update. should.fix.your.issue
Mon, 2020/08/31 - 17:48
wow, thank you very much. "Piepmatz-Feeling". And YES it fixed it.
Yesterday I was tinkering in your qml scripts, added _defaultOrientation... Later height and width hardcoded, and swaped height and width *nothing* was changed in the UI. But my qml knowledge is only an epsilon over zero.
Mon, 2020/08/31 - 18:50
i guess i could have used some onresized event, but this is better :)
Sat, 2020/08/29 - 20:04
oh, I did not wrote, that the old version 2.x works fine.
Sat, 2020/08/29 - 20:01
I can take the old version on geminipda (as I wrote in 1st comment), my geminipda is landscape only. The screen orientation handling is not well implemented in the sailfishx (or many apps, don't know if OS or apps are the problem) for geminipda, thats why the device works best in (a patched fixed) landscape mode only. I think some day it will be fixed in the tabed version.
Sat, 2020/08/29 - 14:42
sfos version, there is nothing (no errors) in the log (started it from terminal). The program does not scale right in landscape mode. I tried it on another device and portrait mode is ok, landscape mode is not. It should happen on every device if turned to landscape. Today I checked it on the good old JollaPhone too, portrait ok, landscape not scaled for landscape, still portrait scaling and only the middle sector of screen is visible. Please try landscape orientation on your device one time.
Sat, 2020/08/29 - 15:36
all i can say:
my other app: olive goes ... is now also using the tabview in the new Add page.
olive app works in landscape but the add page seems now similarly broken as sailkick app is.
i do not think i can fix it.
i was planing to replace the tabview with another tabcontrol. i belive this has not the issue. but it will take a while
i can disable the rotation for now, so that it is only usable in portrait mode. if that helps you.
Mon, 2020/08/10 - 14:13
the reworked UI does not work on geminipda (landscape). On start I can see 'sailkick' short in portrait and then read concert (big letters in landscape) for a short moment. After that the screen stays black.
Tue, 2020/08/18 - 07:58
i am now waiting since 8 days for a logifile or more detiails on your issue. I did sent you a private message too. Where is the sence in an bug report, if you do not provide more information ?
Tue, 2020/08/11 - 17:53
i will need the logfiles. i have now enabled all orientations. what os version are you on ? could be due to sdk or due to the usage of tabview
Tue, 2019/03/26 - 15:36
Hi Pawel, I guess so, too. Thank you for your kind support anyway
Mon, 2019/03/25 - 19:24
Hi Pawel. Today I wanted to follow your suggestion, but after having updated several apps and libraries with a regular update through Storeman, there isn't any probkem any more... So I can't even send you a log with faults, unfortunately. Though if it would help you, I could save one anyway and send it to you, of course.
Mon, 2019/03/25 - 19:31
good to hear your problems are solved !
the log do not make now any sense, so you can save your efforts.
i do not think it had anything to do with my app in special, rather something with outdated packages after the sfos update.
Sat, 2019/03/23 - 08:58
Well, meanwhile I tried to delete the app and follow your steps. But unfortunately I cannot even do that; I always get a message about a missing buteo...sync... something... I guess, best will be to reset my phone and start from the beginning.../p>
Sat, 2019/03/23 - 10:06
you can not delete it ? that is strange indeed. have you tried to uninstall install other apps from / storeman ?
are you familiar with pkcon refresh ?
usually when you have apps from openrepos you need to run pkcon refresh after each sfos update.
btw: to log:
you run harbout-sailkick >> log.log
then you collect the file with file mainager or copy its content and pass it to me
Sat, 2019/03/23 - 02:14
but i think you.just missed the get tracked items from ... point
Sat, 2019/03/23 - 02:13
aah ok, when you enable.develooer mode, the terminal app gets installed, there you tyoe harbour-sailkick.
Sat, 2019/03/23 - 02:11
First you need rhe acount, then you set.the.username in the app, then you do get tracked items from ..
and then restart the app