Nextcloud Notes

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A client app for the Nextcloud Notes server app.

Currently the app is in active developmnent and should be considered as beta sofware.
If you find any bugs, please report them.

The sourcecode can be found on GitHub.

The app uses the Notes API.

Application versions: 
File harbour-nextcloudnotes-0.2-8.aarch64.rpm267.16 KB24/08/2021 - 14:24
File harbour-nextcloudnotes-0.2-8.armv7hl.rpm266.68 KB24/08/2021 - 14:24
File harbour-nextcloudnotes-0.2-8.i486.rpm267.35 KB24/08/2021 - 14:24
File harbour-nextcloudnotes-0.3-0.aarch64.rpm275.91 KB31/10/2023 - 00:00
File harbour-nextcloudnotes-0.3-0.armv7hl.rpm275.62 KB31/10/2023 - 00:00
File harbour-nextcloudnotes-0.3-0.i486.rpm276.07 KB31/10/2023 - 00:00

- Use API v1
- Allow to edit the title of a note


Gaspartame's picture

Any chance to see this app in chum ?

Stain07's picture

Since xperia 10 II is arch64. Is it possible to compile this app for 64bit architecture?

scharel's picture


Maximilian1st's picture

Hi, this is a note taking app in itself, it won't sync with the Sailfish Notes app right?

scharel's picture

Right it has no relation to the Sailfish Notes app.

martinbook85's picture

I just receive the same message as some other people above: "An error occured - not found". I use as my nextcloud server.

toxip's picture

Very nice app. I use this often! Would you like me to create an icon for this application? I know how to make vector graphics and for reference I made the sailorgram icon.

scharel's picture

I'd be very happy about your contribution as I'm not good at graphics.

The SailorGram icon looks very good.

lispy's picture

Regarding offline support, I wonder how it would deal with mergeconflicts if the file has been edited meanwhile via Nextcloud editor e.g.? I guess this is beyond the scope of this app?

scharel's picture

This can be handled on the server side. Please see this function of the API: It mentions the case of a collision. Of course it has to be tested when implemented.

lispy's picture

Great app. Also works collaboratively with the nextcloud sharing function.

pagis's picture

Nice app, is it possible to access and edit notes offline locally?

scharel's picture

Thank you.

Offline mode is something I'm working on. But due to lack of time the progress is very slow.

Salissa's picture

Ah yes. Thanks!

Salissa's picture

I cannot make it connect with my nextcloud. I t just says "An error occurred" - starting the app via commandline also doesn't give any more insight. What should I do to find out more?
I'm running the nextcloud on a raspberry pi and connect to it via ip-adress.
Thanks in advance! The apps looks really good and I would love to be able to use it!

scharel's picture

I suspect you are using a selfsigned SSL certificate?
If so, that's something I will implement someday.

rover's picture

I have the same problem as @Salissa but I'm using a Letsencrypt certificate.

martinbook85's picture

Were you able to solve this problem? I also receive this error message and I use as my server provider.

cy8aer's picture

Would it be possible to optionally have .md files instead of .txt files? On the nextcloud side exists a very good markdown editor which only works with .md files...

[update] issued on github

scharel's picture

See my comment on GitHub.

babba22's picture

Amazing! Thank you

jfebrer's picture

Great app!

cvp's picture

Thanks for the app. I use openvpn and this is the reason that i use a standard IP address to connect to nextcloud, but the app accept only web address with dot de/com/other


nice to have is: import existing note from jolla note app :)

scharel's picture

The IP thing should be doable.
I already thought about import/export feature but currently I will concentrate on getting the app stable and polished.

Historyscholar's picture

Very good!