Opera Mini 8.0 for Harmattan

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This is a midlet (micro edition java application) from Opera Software. Please, first of all, install "PhoneMe (Java VM)" on your N9 !

Installation procedure : Thanks to this page "https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=80914&page=7" (thank you Zas !), I packaged this Java App into a .deb file. However this is not a "user" package. So, we need command lines (and sudo).

  • Install :
    • download the .deb file
    • run this : sudo aegis-dpkg -i operamini_8.0.35626.deb
  • Remove :
    • run this : sudo aegis-apt-get remove operamini

Reminder : Opera Mini works in a client/server way with an Opera "Proxy" Server in the middle (between you and the site). The Web Pages are not running on your N9 but on this Opera Proxy Server and the HTML result is then sent to your N9.

More information here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150203073002/http://store.ovi.com/content/...

Application versions: 
File operamini_8.0.35626.deb327.24 KB14/05/2021 - 15:05


markku's picture

Works well. Thank you. However, How can I make it the default browser? When I installed Opera 12, there was an option in Settings>Applications>Web>choose default browser. This option only detects the native web app and opera 12. How can I make it detect opera mini 8 so that I can set it as the default browser? 

Alanbros's picture

<p>somebody knows how to make root access in nokia n9?????? help meeee</p>


smartblu9's picture

First allow installation from non store source (in System Setting, application, ...). Second, install n9repomirror, third activate Developer mode  (wifi connection is required for installing tools such as Terminal). Let's it restart after that. Optionaly run N9 QTweak and activate the ROOT-SSH access (default pwd of "root" or "user" is "rootme"). This enables to open an SSH connection to your N9 from your PC.

I hope it will work.

Alanbros's picture

Tengo acceso root, pero no tengo este archivou

smartblu9's picture

I suggest you to install N9 QTweak and use it for getting a root access.

Another solution : unzip the files of OperaMini into a dedicated sub directory of /MyDocs; then run the "Run Midlet" utility (utility of PhoneMe). This utility can run any Midlet located somewhere in /MyDocs.

Burglups's picture

A browser which have TLS 1.2 feature !

Gmail is working. 

Many thanks

harpag40's picture

very good