
Your rating: None Average: 4.8 (59 votes)

NEWS: Added latest KDBX 4 database support

Please report any problems you might have here. I use this version to test Keepass 2 write support with a wider audience. Though I do not see major problems with it and for myself switched also finally from using Keepass 1 to Keepass 2 database.

Are you tired of remembering all your different passwords? Or are you using everywhere the same one? If you stumbled over that - ownKeepass is the answer for you to keep track and securely store all your passwords for web pages, bank accounts, login credentials and all other stuff which need to be kept secret. You can share the database file with Keepass or KeepassX on your desktop system and maintain one single encrypted database wherever you are. You will only need to remember one very strong master password to open your database. ownKeepass reads and writes Keepass 1 and 2 databases. --- ownKeepass is open source software and released under GPL version 2. Sources are hosted at github:


Donations -> Paypal friends

WARNING! v1.2.5 works only on Sailfish OS version 3.1.0.x and newer since it needs glibc 2.28


Application versions: 
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.1.15-1.armv7hl.rpm1.11 MB17/11/2016 - 01:19
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.1.15-1.i486.rpm1.16 MB17/11/2016 - 01:19
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm1.26 MB03/03/2017 - 12:19
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.0-1.i486.rpm1.32 MB03/03/2017 - 12:19
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.1-1.armv7hl.rpm1.26 MB04/03/2017 - 01:50
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.1-1.i486.rpm1.32 MB04/03/2017 - 01:50
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.2-1.armv7hl.rpm1.25 MB25/05/2017 - 00:00
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.2-1.i486.rpm1.29 MB25/05/2017 - 00:00
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.3-1.armv7hl.rpm1.26 MB05/06/2017 - 23:39
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.3-1.i486.rpm1.3 MB05/06/2017 - 23:39
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.4-1.armv7hl.rpm1.26 MB16/07/2018 - 01:09
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.4-1.i486.rpm1.3 MB16/07/2018 - 01:09
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.5-1.armv7hl.rpm2.61 MB12/09/2019 - 01:23
File harbour-ownkeepass-1.2.5-1.i486.rpm2.67 MB12/09/2019 - 01:23

v1.2.5 KDBX 4 format support

  • Add support for KDBX 4 database format by changing database code from KeepassX to KeepssXC (many thanks to 24mu13)
  • Add support for new database cipher algorithms and key derivation functions like Twofish, Chacha20 and Argon2 for Keepass 2 databases
  • Show used database cipher, key derivation function and key transformation rounds for a Keepass 2 database in database settings dialog
  • Updated translations from transifex

1.2.4 SD card

  • Get SD card working again with Sailfish OS Mouhijoki

1.2.3 (pre-release)

  • Implemented moving of password entries between groups (Keepass 2 database)
  • Show comment of password groups in list view (Keepass 2 database)
  • Fixed truncation mode of subtitle in list views
  • Updated translations from transifex

1.2.2 Keepass 2 write support

  • Password entries in Keepass 2 databases can be created, edited and deleted
  • Password groups in Keepass 2 databases can be created, edited and deleted
  • Additional attributes of password entries in Keepass 2 databases can be added, changed and deleted
  • Added possibility to copy into clipboard every item of a password entry by long-press on it
  • Open URL in web browser by just one click on the URL text
  • Reworked password entry editing page for Keepass 2 support
  • Fixed scaling of icons on password generator page with higher resolution displays
  • Updated and reordered text sections on about page
  • Added new translations for Polish and Serbian (Not yet fully done, please help on transifex to finish them)
  • Updated all other translations from transifex
  • Bugfix: Specifying the wrong Keepass version on opening a database does not give a proper error notification; the display just kept showing the loading databasee message
  • Bugfix: It was not possible to delete more than one keepass entry or group in a row
  • Bugfix: When deleting the last password item from a group the placeholder text was not shown again

1.2.1 Language bugfix

  • If one of the following languages where selected directly another language was actually shown: galician, italian, hungarian, dutch, russian, finnish, swedish, chinese, greek, japanese
  • Setting language to system default was not affected by the bug

1.2.0 Changeable icons

  • Implemented changing of icons for password group and entries for Keepass 1 and 2 databases
  • Standard Keepass icons and custom database icons of Keepass 1 and 2 databases are supported
  • Implemented "create new" and "edit" password group for Keepass 2 database
  • Reworked error handling mechanism and added a lot of database error checks
  • Updated source base of Keepass 2 database code to KeepassX release 2.0.2
  • Code cleanup done, password generator code refactored
  • Fixed some UI and layout glitches
  • Updated all translations from transifex

1.1.15 Bugfix release

  • Fixed mapping of settings value for time to clear clipboard: In release 1.1.14 the time for clearing clipboard silently changed to 5 seconds if it was before set to "disabled"

1.1.14 New icons

  • Added individual icons for password entries and groups
  • Time to clear clipboard can be adjusted between 5 seconds and 10 minutes
  • Parent group of password entries is shown in search list view
  • Copy-Paste cover action now skips empty username or password entries
  • Implemented alphabetical sorting of Keepass 2 database entries
  • Added new translation for Galician language
  • Updated all other translations from Transifex

1.1.13 Snappy Layout Animations on Main Page

  • File browser: When searching for a key file the default value for file filter is *.key
  • Adjusted look and feel of info popups to system info popups
  • Added snappy layout animations on main page to enhance usability
  • Database can be dropped from recent database list on main page (in order to clean up the list from unused stuff)
  • Added new translation for Hungarian
  • Updated all translations from Transifex


sdiconov's picture

The latest rpm is badly built. My phone complains about this package owning the /usr/bin folder. After forced installation every other package complains about file conflict with harbour-ownkeepass.

TMavica's picture

Can u make a 64 bit package please

dfstorm's picture

Just saw the previous comment about the dev stop. Sorry about that.

dfstorm's picture

Cannot open a database/keyfile only item. The UI impose a "password" to try to unlock anything while passwordless files are possibles :( The app look great otherwise ^^'

inte's picture

NFC support would be just amazing!

lxmx's picture

I love this app!! Would you be able to fix the icons to turn dark when using a light colored ambience?

Matz's picture

Thanks for the great app, I've been using it for years and never had any trouble till today.

I switched to Sony XA2 and I can't access my SD-Card running SFOS from keepass. From everything else it works fine. Any ideas?

t0t3u's picture

Do you plan adding NFC supprt (for Yubikey) ?

Thank you!

jobe's picture

Sorry, but I stopped development of ownKeepass. So I won't implement any new features any more. Sources are on GitHub. If anyone like to continue...

Historyscholar's picture

Hello,can you approve me to joiln  your transifex  team?I want to fulfill  Chinese translation:)

jobe's picture

Of course yes :)

Please join the team then I can approve and add you to the translation team


ade's picture

Yes, OwnKeepass is finally up-to-date again!

Thanks, and especially thanks to 24mu13  (Samuel) for initiating this.

schmolle's picture

Works on my XA2.
Thanks for this great update!

jobe's picture

Please test the new version 1.2.5 on your device if possible. It works only on SFOS 3.1.0.x and later since the (updated) gcrypt and (new) sodium libraries need at least glibc 2.28 with security fixes.

I could test it only in the emulator since my Oneplus X has only SFOS

daywalker's picture

I am forced to use kdbx 4 format databases. Would be nice if you could implement this :) https://keepass.info/help/kb/kdbx_4.html

ade's picture

I already created an issue for that on github: https://github.com/jobe-m/ownkeepass/issues/18
Given the response I am afraid it will not be implemented on short notice.

ade's picture
daywalker's picture

Nice thx 4 the hint!

eisen's picture

sorry, picking the sd-card after 1.2.4 is still not possible for me with

Hoxifi's picture

Hi, any chance to add unlocking with fingerprint?

lausvi's picture

Another vote for fingerprint-unlocking!

itdoesntmatt's picture

Great service.

objectifnul's picture

How do I change the master password (pass phrase) without a computer?

jobe's picture

Open the database. Then go in top menu to database settings. There you can change the master password of the database.

objectifnul's picture

The 'database settings' menu entry is greyed out :-(

Should I modify permissions? (currently only nemo has read/write permissions)

jobe's picture

Oh sorry, you are right. Changing master password for Keepass database 2 is not implemented yet. It has nothing to do with file access rights. 

PawelSpoon's picture

The latest update removed the copy pwd, username pulleys


intentionaly ?






thanks for the best app in warehouse !

jobe's picture

Yes :) Please use a long press on the URL, Username, Password and the other items. It will open a context menu with copy option. That way you can copy more fields than before.

spidernik84's picture

Thanks for the great work. Probably one of the best designed applications in the Sailfish ecosystem.

objectifnul's picture

Wish list: quick one-tap flight mode button to hide the real password database and replace it with a fake one before police & customs formalities
