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OKBoard (a.k.a. Magic Keyboard) is a gesture based keyboard that allow single stroke typing. Usage is explained in this video. English, French and Dutch are supported without the need for additional packages, other language resources are available in separate packages, e.g. for Swedish (okb-lang-sv). It currently works on Jolla phone, Xperia X / XA2 / 10 / 10 plus. Larger phones (such as XA2 plus/ultra & Fxtec Pro1) may be supported in a later release.

Do not use other third party keyboards at the same time (unless they are just simple layouts for new languages).

Source code: http://git.tuxfamily.org/okboard/okb-engine.git/ and http://git.tuxfamily.org/okboard/okb-keyboard.git/. Instructions for adding new languages are included in README.md files (latin alphabet only at the moment).

If you get an error message about missing dependencies (dbus-python, patch ...) when installing, just run "pkcon refresh" as root and try again. Also some issues may be solved by uninstalling and reinstalling.

OKBoard tends to break for each new Sailfish release, so if possible, wait for other users reports before upgrading to a new OS version.



Application versions: 
File okboard-full-0.6.27-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB13/05/2021 - 13:47
File okboard-full-0.6.34-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB29/09/2021 - 20:00
File okboard-full-0.6.34-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB29/09/2021 - 20:00
File okboard-full-0.6.35-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB18/09/2022 - 14:33
File okboard-full-0.6.35-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB18/09/2022 - 14:33
File okboard-full-0.6.37-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB05/02/2023 - 14:36
File okboard-full-0.6.37-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB05/02/2023 - 14:36

0.6.37 : Support for SFOS 4.5

0.6.35 : Disable Sailjail to allow admin app to start on SFOS 4.4

0.6.34: Fix for "Installation not complete" error

0.6.27: Support for SFOS 4.1


smatkovi's picture

how do you get publisher role here? i applied for it a few weeks ago, but the role isn't approved since then...

breiti_oi's picture

Is there a way to force the use of spacebar in android apps? In native apps everything is okay, but on whatsapp or telegram I have to set the spaces between the words by myself, which slow the input down.

eber42's picture

Unfortunately, SFOS keyboard framewok (maliit) does not give me access to the context (content of the textbox & cursor position) when using android apps, so I do not known when to insert a space. I have no idea how to solve this issue at the moment. I will probably ask on TJC or SFOS dev ML.

gotchman's picture

I am new at Okkeyboard.

Is there anybody to teach me how to check its working on iOS or Mac...?


eber42's picture

Sorry only Sailfish OS is supported at the moment. But you have a lot of better alternatives on iOS anyway.

smatkovi's picture

I'm trying right now with 100 000  words, but it is  working for hours  with 4Gb  ram.  I'm curious to hear about your experiences here

eber42's picture

Oops I've been a bit slow on this one. But there is an interesting discussion & answers at the end of this TMO thread

smatkovi's picture

how many words  should the input dictionary have?  and has anyone  of you tried doing this for Hungarian?

spheniscus's picture

I confirm rob_k's post. Using a "classic" Jolla Phone JP1. Loud sounds when typing text. Disabled OKboard --> silence. Enabled OKboard --> noisy. Appeared after updating to Sailfish OS v2.2.0.29.


eber42's picture

Thanks to you & Rob for your feedback. I will look at this issue when I get some time. At the moment I can't reproduce this behaviour with Jolla phone & Xperia. Can other people confirm if they experience the same issue (or not) ?

Problem may be caused by the "hackish" way to integrate with original jolla keyboard that is very sensitive to changes.

erikderzweite's picture

Confirming the issue on Sailfish X with Nurmonjoki. Did not found a way to  turn off the sounds yet.

rob_k's picture

Clicking sounds in SailfishX.

Dear eber42, since a few months I got hooked on your wonderful OKboard again. Unfortunately, today's update to Mouhijoki resulted in loud clicking sounds when using the keyboard. Different sounds come out for normal keys, space bar and OKboard swipes. The sounds are too loud to ignore, so I had to turn OKboard off for now. Changing the Settings for Sounds and Feedback does not help.

Hoping for a solution. Thank you,


skyjumper's picture

Does the app crash for other ppl randomly? I will go to a text entry screen and will be back at the regular individual key instead of swipe. I have to restart the app.

djamigo2001's picture

Thanks eber42.

skyjumper's picture

Thanks for the 0.6.15 upgrade as I too was wondering why the keyboard wasn't coming up. I cna't live without swype now!

HackTheFish's picture

Wonderful, it works!!! Thank you so much! Donation possible?

djamigo2001's picture

Many thanks, this is a great addon for SailfishOS.

Does it transmit logs / data to any server ? I ask because many of the other os swipe keyboards do this.

eber42's picture

OKboard does not send any information outside of your device (except if you hit the "Send logs by e-mail" button, obviously). This can be checked as OKboard is 100% open source.



Orologiaio's picture

I can't install the latest version ok OKBoard (latest official SFOS on Xperia X). How can I help to debug this issue?

eber42's picture

Thanks for your feedback. Installation/upgrade issues should now (hopefully) be fixed with the last release (0.6.15)

ferlanero's picture

Yes! Now everything works with 0.6.15 on Sailfish X. Thank you very much!!

Orologiaio's picture

Still doesn't work for me! I even downloaded the rpm directly. If I can do something to help you track the issue, let me know.

eber42's picture

It would be really helpfull if you could send me a bug report (device and os version used, what are the symptons, etc.). You can use the e-mail address shown in the OKBoard settings application. Thanks.

HackTheFish's picture

Sorry, German language don't work with Jolla 1. The Keyboard freeze and nothing works.

Olsen's picture

I had the same problem. Then I uninstalled the German language package and OKBoard itself and installed both again afterwards. Now it runs again.

ferlanero's picture

After some testings, version 0.6.11 has lots of bugs using Spanish okboard dictionary where 0.6.9 version worked perfect. Errors like this while swapping words: el Eǹ

ferlanero's picture

This kind of errors become OKBoard almost unusable with the Spanish language

eber42's picture

OK, problem reproduced here, expect a fix soon. And in the meantime do not use the 0.6.11 version (I have removed it from the download area)

ferlanero's picture

Thanks for all of your work! I love this swappable keyboard! If you need more testing, please, let me know.

ferlanero's picture

It seems not to work on Sailfish X Okboard simply doesn't appear
