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Phonehook is a multi-purpose Sailfish application to enhance phone functionality.


Caller Lookup

Information will appear in an overlay on top of the incoming call screen. This information is extracted directly from different online phone number directories.

Call Blocking

You can block unwanted callers by adding them to the block list. You can either pick a contact from your phone or add a number manually. Support for wildcards means you can block calls from a certain country or region. You can also add a source for automatic call blocking. All numbers flagged as spam by this source will be blocked. Since this feature could potentially end up blocking calls you actually want, use with caution! Check your blocked calls history now and then, and if you notice some source blocking calls it shouldn't, please report the issue on gituhub.

Directory Search

With the search functionality, you can search for people or businesses and call them directly from the app. You can also bring up the maps application for the listed address or save the result to your contacts. Some sources requires you to log in before this will give results.


Source code and issue tracker available on GitHub:

Phonebook sources are available on Github:

Special Thanks

Finnish Localization - Termitebug
Russian Localization - Ancelad
Spanish Localization - Carmen F. B.
Swedish Localization - Åke Engelbrektson
Czech Localization - Malakay
Polish Localization - atlochowski
Chinese chinese - dashinfantry

About Sailfish OS Updates

Sailfish OS upgrades recommends uninstalling phonehook before upgrading. If you are running a somewhat recent version of phonehook (0.4.0 and later), this recommendation is no longer relevant. Newer versions of phonehook do not interfer with OS upgrades. Version 0.3.x and earlier modifies the Sailfish homescreen, which may cause issues in some scenarios. 0.4.0+ does not modify the homescreen.


Planned Features

  • ✓ Contact creation
  • ✓ Automated call blocking
  • ✓ Offline caching
  • ✓ Lookup recent incoming calls
  • ✓ Name search and dialing
  • ✓​ Manual & contact call blocking
Application versions: 
File phonehook-0.1.2-1.armv7hl.rpm128.93 KB09/01/2015 - 18:04
File phonehook-0.2.0-1.armv7hl.rpm162.31 KB18/01/2015 - 21:36
File phonehook-0.2.1-1.armv7hl.rpm169.79 KB21/01/2015 - 19:27
File phonehook-0.3.0-1.armv7hl.rpm240.67 KB23/02/2015 - 17:59
File phonehook-0.3.1-1.armv7hl.rpm243.78 KB25/02/2015 - 20:13
File phonehook-0.3.3-1.armv7hl.rpm240.34 KB28/04/2015 - 16:54
File phonehook-0.4.0-1.armv7hl.rpm255.08 KB16/05/2015 - 20:57
File phonehook-0.4.1-1.armv7hl.rpm256.6 KB28/06/2015 - 16:19
File phonehook-0.5.0-2.armv7hl.rpm290.26 KB09/08/2015 - 00:27
File phonehook-0.6.0-2.armv7hl.rpm278.56 KB25/11/2015 - 16:08
File phonehook-0.6.1-1.armv7hl.rpm303.84 KB16/08/2016 - 11:27
File phonehook-0.6.2-1.armv7hl.rpm304.12 KB18/10/2016 - 14:11
File phonehook-0.6.2-2.armv7hl.rpm313.18 KB20/10/2016 - 12:17
File phonehook-0.6.3-1.armv7hl.rpm306.81 KB17/02/2017 - 15:23
File phonehook-0.6.3-3.armv7hl.rpm311.71 KB29/03/2017 - 13:46
File phonehook-0.7.0-1.armv7hl.rpm316.36 KB06/07/2019 - 15:31
File phonehook-0.7.1-1.armv7hl.rpm342.99 KB31/07/2019 - 23:16
File phonehook-0.7.2-1.armv7hl.rpm344.98 KB03/08/2019 - 13:46
File phonehook-0.7.3-1.armv7hl.rpm350.77 KB05/10/2019 - 21:47
File phonehook-0.8.0-1.armv7hl.rpm351.55 KB01/11/2019 - 18:41
File phonehook-0.9.0-1.armv7hl.rpm351.66 KB03/11/2019 - 18:15
File phonehook-0.10.0-1.armv7hl.rpm373.75 KB18/10/2020 - 22:38
File phonehook-0.10.1-1.armv7hl.rpm372.53 KB20/10/2020 - 19:10


  • fixed issue with SailfishOS 3.4 when using ther old overlay design


  • fixed issue with SailfishOS 3.4
  • Added Edit for blocks page (thanks to a-dekker)


  • polish popup translation (thanks to atlochowski)
  • chinese translation (thanks to dashinfantry)


  • polish translation (thanks to atlochowski)
  • improvements to call block page (thanks to a-dekker)


  •  improvements for dark themes (thanks to a-dekker)
  •  improvements for high DPI screens (thanks to a-dekker)
  •  improvements regarding reinstallation (thanks to a-dekker)


  • german translations
  • fix to czech translations


  • improved image quality
  • czech translations (thanks to Malakay)


  • Updated for compability with Sailfish 3


  • Updated for compability with Sailfish 2.1 (pre-release)
  • (0.6.3-3) Built with SDK 1701-1 to fix missing translation issue.


  • Restored missing translation files
  • Restored order of input fields on configuration page


  • New configuration/activation functionality for sources
  • Fixed issue with multiple SIM slots
  • Added Finnish translation (thanks Termitebug)
  • Added Russian translation (thanks Ancelad)


  • Added automatic update for sources (can be turned off). Data fetched directly from GitHub
  • Backported some code from Android port
  • Added Spanish localization (thanks Carmen F.B.)


All planned features complete!

  • Fix for obscured status bar
  • Fix layout breaking when swiping forward to search
  • Added full localization support (+ Swedish translation)
  • Added contact save feature on popup and search function
  • Added more views to call log (incoming, outgoing, missed calls)



  • Added automatic call blocking (Use with caution)
  • New popup look and functionality. If you want the old look back, there is a setting for that (requires daemon restart).
  • Added offline caching of results and HTML-responses
  • Added new OAuth-like login functionality (experimental)
  • ​Various GUI improvements


  • Fixed issue with lookups not working after phone reboot


  • Added call blocking function (beta). Number (with wildcard) and contact blocking.
  • Added recent call list lookups
  • No longer modifies homescreen
  • GUI navigation changes
  • Removed dependency to patch binary
  • Removed SMS lookups (for now)
  • Removed compability mode


  • Added popup timeout setting
  • Removed forcible uninstall of broken installation
  • Removed dependency on nemonotifications library


  • Possible fix for uninstallation/upgrade issues with earlier versions
  • Fixed scrolling problems on several pages
  • Scraper upgrades


  • Fixed broken connection manager dialog in Sailfish OS 1.1.2
  • Scraper upgrades


  • Added phonebook functionality (search for people & businesses)
  • Added cover action (Search)
  • Popup uses ambience colors
  • Popup no longer displays above the lockscreen
  • Added a compability mode to be used when the standard popup is not available
  • Added support for international numbers (will attempt to use foreign lookup sites if incoming call is from abroad)
  • Fixed uninstall issue when patch had been reverted before uninstall
  • Daemon now auto-starts with GUI
  • Improved daemon startup time
  • Added capability listing for sources (phonebook/lookup)
  • Numerous other small changes


  • Workaround for broken "Connect to Internet" dialog
  • Cleaned up "Add Source" page, auto-detects and defaults to users country.
  • Added setting to enable while roaming (default = not enabled)


  • Added cookie caching
  • Better handling of password fields
  • Added link field for sources
  • Source metadata stored in local db
  • Fixed gzip decompression bug


monkeyisland's picture

Can i help to translate in german language?

omnight's picture


If you want to contribute a translation, you can make a fork of, translate the two files /client/gui/translations/phonehook.ts and /client/daemon/translations/phonehook-daemon.ts. Then submit a pull request and I will put it in the next release.

simosagi's picture

How does * work as a wildcard? Does it match a single digit or any number of digits?  e.g. would +1* block the whole USA?

Is * the only wildcard/special character?


pkuronen's picture

Could not install for the SailfishX: nothing provides

carmenfdezb's picture

I've installed in Sailfish X and I don't have any problem. Maybe you need refresh repository

omnight's picture

Maybe they swapped out some libraries with SailfishX? Unfortunately I don't have a device to test on

simosagi's picture

Thanks for a very useful app!

As feature request, I'd like to have the option instead of blocking the call (call gets rejected) to simply silent the ringtone for that specific number. Would that be possible?

florifreeman's picture

One of the coolest sfos apps!

dglent's picture

The True Caller doesn't work now, i cannot login with Google account '403 page not found'

Also, True Caller (App) doesn't work, i cannot login either, i receive well the activation code but after i have an error message at the final step (a failure has occured)

omnight's picture


I've tested the TrueCaller App source now, and it worked for me. It has very little in the way of input validation though, so if you enter invalid data in the name/email-step that may explain why you are getting an error.

I am planning to deprecate the other TrueCaller source, so didn't test that this time.

pkuronen's picture

A very pleasant surprise. This application has all functionalities one can desire from phonebook. Look no elsewhere.

p_pahare's picture

TrueCaller both data sources (web and App) are not working anymore. What can be done Now?

omnight's picture

Hi, I just tested TrueCaller (App) and I get results back. Can you describe in detail what the problem is?

p_pahare's picture

I thought Activating Them is a Compulsary Task to install sources . My Bad

kaari's picture

Hi, I'm having trouble keep daemon running on early access It runs few seconds then stops. In terminal it says roaming false, but tried to turn on and off roaming settings. Then it exists Segmentation fault.

omnight's picture

Hi, I've also tried updating to today, and I'm seeing the same thing. I will have a look at it and try to figure out what the problem is.


The crash seems to happen when the daemon creates the overlay view (which happens after 10 seconds). Also seems to affect other apps with overlay, like


Update 2:

Phonehook 0.6.3 is built with Qt 5.6 and should fix the issue.

carmenfdezb's picture

Great!! Thanks for the update!!

Translations files are missing in v0.6.3. Could you add them?

Ingvix's picture

So is the problem in the system and you can't really do anything about it right now?

omnight's picture


I got some tips from CodeRUS and now Phonehook 0.6.3 should run ok on Sailfish 2.1. I more or less just needed to build the app with the preview SDK.


Ingvix's picture

Thanks. Though the translation files seem to be missing.

omnight's picture

Yes, you're correct. I had a look at it today and this problems seems to be due to an issue with translation handling in the preview SDK.

When that issue gets fixed I will release an updated build.

kaari's picture

Yes, it's working again. Thank you so much.

anasofoz's picture

when someone calls I get 'name available' only , not the actual name. why is that happening? I am using truecaller as the source. thanks

omnight's picture

Hi, I've noticed that this happens when you get logged out for some reason, and logging back in usually fixes it for a while. I'd recommend trying the "Truecaller App" source that's been recently added, that should work more reliably.

3vixan's picture

For (Business), the app doesn't add the phone number to Contacts, only the it a known bug?

omnight's picture

Hi! I've updated that source now, give it a try :)

veikert's picture

In version 0.6.2-2 Russian language appeared. Thank you.

В версии 0.6.2-2 появился русский язык. Спасибо.

Ancelad's picture

I don't see Russian translation in the latest app-version :)

japsi's picture

Also finnish translation in missing...

omnight's picture

Seems that the Finnish translation had the wrong encoding, which caused the build to skip all of the translations. I've uploaded 0.6.2-2 which fixes that and some other minor issues.
