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Unofficial Pebble smartwatch support for Sailfish.

Rockpool is a port of the Ubuntu Touch application RockWork, which is a port of the Sailfish application Pebbled, which can trace its history back to the original python libpebble written by Pebble developers for exactly this sort of thing. It supports the v3 version of the Pebble firmware, which was released with the Pebble Time and is now available for earlier models. It has partial support for the new Rebble services, including the watchface and app store.


  • Forwards notifications to the watch, they can be opened or dismissed from there. New notification types in the pebble v3 are used: Hangouts for Hangish, Telegram for Sailorgram and the android client, Whatsapp for the android client. Different notification types can be silenced either completely or only when the phone is unlocked. SMS and IM messages can be replied to from the watch using user-defined 'canned messages'
  • Calendar entries are added to the timeline on the watch, automatically refreshed when the phone's calendar is updated. If you have a reminder set on the entry before the event starts, you'll get one on your watch too. If you log into Pebble, then your watch will be able to subscribe to custom notifications from watchapps too.
  • Send music info to the watch, including track duration and progress so you get the progress bar. You can pause, play, skip tracks and change the volume from your pebble.
  • Show incoming call notifications, rejecting, accepting and ending calls.
  • You can manage watch apps, and browse the pebble store for new ones. If you previously added apps manually, you should remove them and add them from the store so you get the nice icon. Your installed apps and watch faces can be synced with Pebble. Apps that push timeline pins to your watch from the internet are supported.
  • Rudimentary native app API. Apps can send data to the hidden built-in fitness tracker.
  • Support for Pebble Time watches' Weather application
  • Lots more: Profile switching when the watch is connected (e.g. silent). Take, manage and share watch screenshots. Update the time on your watch whenever the time or timezone changes on your phone.
  • Language file support for alternative character sets.

The following features are not yet implemented:

  • Support for Pebble 2 watches. The new models only support Bluetooth Low Energy, and Pebble's BTLE protocol is not implemented in Rockpool.
  • Fitness features such as step counting and sleep tracking work on the watch, but the data is not downloaded to Rockpool so there's no long term data or graphs of your activity. The heart rate monitor is not supported, though neither is the watch that has it.

Please feel welcome to contribute on GitHub, either by filing issues or chipping in. New translations are always welcome on!

The best place to get Rockpool from right now (SFOS 4.5.0) is my community repository on OBS. Use one of these commands as root depending on your architecture

  • ssu ar rockpool
  • ssu ar rockpool
  • ssu ar rockpool

And install with:

zypper ref && zypper in rockpool
Application versions: 
File rockpool-1.11-1.2.1.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB05/10/2020 - 01:06
File rockpool-1.11-1.2.1.i486.rpm1.18 MB05/10/2020 - 01:06
File rockpool-1.10-1.24.3.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB05/10/2020 - 01:09
File rockpool-1.10-1.24.3.i486.rpm1.13 MB05/10/2020 - 01:09
File rockpool-1.12-1.9.1.aarch64.rpm1.07 MB27/05/2021 - 12:47
File rockpool-1.12-1.9.1.armv7hl.rpm1.05 MB27/05/2021 - 12:47
File rockpool-1.12-1.9.1.i486.rpm1.19 MB27/05/2021 - 12:47
File rockpool-1.13-1.27.1.aarch64.rpm1.06 MB29/09/2021 - 22:55
File rockpool-1.13-1.27.1.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB29/09/2021 - 22:55
File rockpool-1.13-1.27.1.i486.rpm1.18 MB29/09/2021 - 22:55
File rockpool-1.14-1.28.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.06 MB17/10/2021 - 02:14
File rockpool-1.14-1.28.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB17/10/2021 - 02:14
File rockpool-1.14-1.28.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.18 MB17/10/2021 - 02:14
File rockpool-1.15sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.03 MB18/01/2023 - 12:33
File rockpool-1.15sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.06 MB18/01/2023 - 12:33
File rockpool-1.15sfos4.4.20230111102118.2.g69124a8-1.33.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.18 MB18/01/2023 - 12:33
File rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.25 MB16/02/2023 - 11:14
File rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.11 MB16/02/2023 - 11:14
File rockpool-1.15-1.36.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.16 MB16/02/2023 - 11:14
File rockpool-1.16-1.1.1.jolla_.aarch64.rpm1.15 MB06/04/2024 - 19:41
File rockpool-1.16-1.1.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm1.09 MB06/04/2024 - 19:41
File rockpool-1.16-1.1.1.jolla_.i486.rpm1.23 MB06/04/2024 - 19:41

1.16 packages here are for SailfishOS 4.6.0. The same release is built against 4.5.0 on OBS (see link above).


ct_berlin's picture

Thanks for the tremendous work done with rockpool. I'm following the progress here as well as in the TMO-Thread. I love the app. 

Somehow my timeline is broken since yesterday. When I use the up and down button my pebble steel resets itself (displaying "pebble" and returing to the menu). I have been factory resetting the watch and reinstalled the app, nothings has helped this far. I've also tried the rockpool beta, which doesn't reset the pebble but is not syncing anything to the timeline either. Notifications and watch-apps work flawlessly. Do you have any hints on what to do?


abranson's picture

Wow that sounds intense. It could be that your rockpool data directory has some weird things in it. If you have a file manager on your phone, or you can use a terminal, uninstall Rockpool and delete /home/nemo/.local/share/rockpoold

Failing that, we'll have to get some logs out of you.

ct_berlin's picture

We have to do that then ;-) I've removed the data directory, the problem persists. How can I generate some logs?

abranson's picture

Open a terminal (though an ssh session would be easier to paste from), switch to root with 'devel-su' and your password, then type 'journalctl -fla' to follow the log. Disconnect and reconnect your watch to see the timeline stuff load. I think you might have something in one of your events that is breaking things.

ct_berlin's picture

OK, thanks. The timeline is functional again after fiddling around activating and deactivating my calenders. Haven't found the faulty entry though. Thanks for the effort. I'm looking forward for further releases ;-)

abranson's picture

Did you have to leave a calendar deactivated? If so, is there an odd event coming up in the next few days?

ct_berlin's picture

No, I deactivated all calenders and reactivated them one after another. Now all previously deactivated calendars are all up again. Nothing in particular that seems odd. It might have been the event from this morning, but I didn't see anything about it in the log. 

But I'll look out for it and do some debugging with the log, when the problem occurs again. 

abranson's picture


ct_berlin's picture

Short update: I identified the entries. Seem to be an issue with syncing from CalDav to IBM Notes to Jolla. So it is quite uncommon and probably the fault of IBM Notes (which it is in most cases ;-)).

ruff's picture

Can you re-try this lotus stuff with the latest beta? There was a release with broken calendar so that might be the one which was not syncing. I wonder how would it behave now on new timeline engine.

ct_berlin's picture

Thanks, I've installed the beta and added the calendar again. It's not crashing anymore. However I only have one event in the next days. I'll observe the behavior with more events coming up and give you feedback, when the error occurs again.

ct_berlin's picture

Working alright even with multiple entries. Problem is solved in beta. Thanks for the great work!

alanmorford's picture

You'll have to forgive me but for the life of me I can't get my pebble steel with latest firmware to stay connected to my N4 with the latest Sailfish port. It sees the watch and both confirm the connection but it won't stay connected and rockpool can't see it. I'd appreciate any tips. Thanks.

abranson's picture

You might be able to see what's going on with the daemon output. If you have developer mode enabled, stop the Rockpool service from the 'Developer Tools' page, then launch it manually from Terminal or over an ssh connection by typing 'rockpoold'. You should see what the problem is in there.

alanmorford's picture

So this is weird but all I did was ps aux | grep roockpoold to get the PID. Then issued the 'kill pid#' command with it's PID and the watch autoconnected immediately. *shrug*

alanmorford's picture

I restarted and had the same problem. Issued the same commands and autoconnected again. Basically I have to kill the process to get it to work. Why?

ruff's picture

that happens when you have concurring apps - eg two rockpools or pebbled and rockpool running. so once you kill one of them - remaining picks up the connecton.

Can you check with ps axf|egrep 'pebble|rockpool' what's actually running and what number. There should be one rockpool and one rockpoold only.


systemd should not pick up properly stopped service, as well as app is not trying to restart it constatntly (only on start under certain conditions) so when you kill rockpoold client app should start showing rotating busy indicator till service is started.

w32blaster's picture

Thank you very much for this handy app! It works fine, but when I connected to Jolla, it removed all my watchfaces and apps. Otherwise, it's great! Cheers!

ruff's picture

Apps, faces, notifications and timeline are all stored in blobdb and when you connect pebble blobdb is synchronized. On first connect it's apparently empty so it wipes the pebble off the data.

When I added my pebble to my android tablet it also wiped the data which was added by jolla (rockpool) so I think it's consistent behaviour for both :).

w32blaster's picture

Ok, thanks anyway.

R1v3r's picture


I am not sure, if it is this application, but when I updated, I lost all my notification managed already. (Ok this is not bad, because I can add these disabled again, when they appear in the first time.

But I noted that it is not found this Situations app notifications anymore.. It was on the last version thoug?

So to be clear. Situations notifications are shown in watch, but can´t be disabled. (rockpool app does not rexcognize..)



abranson's picture

Hi, I've changed the notifications filters in 0.10-1, which is why your old ones disappeared. I did mention this in the changelog and above though. It wasn't possible to migrate the old ones, because they were using an unreliable key.

The situations things is fixed, and is waiting for release in 0.10-2. I've got something to finish elsewhere before that'll be released though, but it should be in the next day or so.

Reodor's picture

Everything fine after upgrade to 0.10-1

I just lost my notification filters. But I was told before ;)

abranson's picture

Good to hear, though I'm not seeing the same number of downloads of the websockets lib as the new version of rockpool o_O.

I wanted to migrate the old notifications, but one of the problems with them is they weren't storing the correct id for the notification owner at all, so I had no reliable key to identify them for migration.

Reodor's picture

I just love your app.

Thanks for your work.

abranson's picture

You're very welcome!

Igorion's picture

Thank you for your application! Please help me, how can I install *.pbl file?

abranson's picture

This is in progress. So far I know how to fetch the pbl file, but not how to upload it to the watch. Progress is here:

Igorion's picture

Ok. Thank's a lot.

coneosilence's picture

Hi. Your app is fantastic and great that I can upgrade the firmware. How can we get watch apps installed that need companion apps like Meerun? There is very little info on this page, the app page, or TJC. Running 0.9-4 atm. Ta.
