Powermenu2 in Ambience switcher

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Patch replacing ambience switcher top item with Powermenu2

This patch requires installed Patchmanager, obviously, because every patch requires Patchmanager :D

Swipe down to lock feature: when peeking ambience switcher you can release finger on "Lock" button area to lock screen.

Requires Powermenu2 v1.5.0

Donations are very welcome =)



Added patch settings to enable or disable swipe to lock feature
Added options to change threshold to lock


danfin's picture

super patch! Ia am just too stupid to make 'swipe to lock' work. I'll reinstall and do some training.

coderus's picture

Note there is a default vertical thresold you need to reach to actually expand ammbience menu, if you cancel dragging before, your menu will hide. So, if you release your finger before reaching this expanding thresold, your screen will be locked.

Eminem's picture

You rock! Beer money is coming. :D

DameCENO's picture

Yes Coderus has been my hero ever since my Nokia N82 till Jolla and there has been so many symbian os v3 v5 belle and my N9, donation on the way, Like Eminem says, YOU ROCK!!!


Might not be much regarding all the outstanding work you have been doing since I first heard about you, but it is a token of my long standing appreciation man
