by simonepsp
Cutebnb is an unofficial Airbnb client.
This isn't a porting, it has been built from skretch and it's completely native.
My goal is to develop an app...
by gbour
Everything is connected now. You want to read the sms you received directly on your tablet, or your computer.
smssync fill the gap, synchronizing sms...
by MacManus
SailfishOS Application for the imageboard
Thanks coderus for your help.
by BillyHalley
Patch for SailfishOS
Enables an Accept button on RemorseItem and RemorsePopup, while keeping the new UI. In this way you don't have to wait...
by Enigma
Effetica is a standard photo editing application that allows to change your photo with just one click of a button. Transform your photo into sepia or...
by nodevel
For SailfishOS version only!!
This simple patch removes the newly introduced delay (+animation) when selecting items from pulley menus. This...
by boggins
PocketTransit is a Geological and Engineering Compass. PocketTransit for Sailfish records the strike and dip of the phone plane, and the trend and...
by NielDK
Updated to support IPv6, requires perl-IO-Socket-IP
by Enigma
SportTracker For N9
Turn your mobile into a sports computer with Sports Tracker! Track and analyze your performance, share workout data with your...
by filip
Nine2D is a replacement for N9 inetgrated Dropbox sharing.
by elros34
I created this to quickly open wanted application. I hope it will be useful for somebody. You can quickly find application via keyboard or recently...
by coderus
First proof-of-concept release. Work only in background, not functioning when closed.
Personal Ringtones selector application for SailfishOS....
by Enigma
It provides Up-To-Date exchange rates for 140+ currencies
by Enigma
How are you feeling today?
Type in your birthday and see where your emotional,intellectual and physical cycles are today in the biorhythm chart....
by Enigma
Light a candle in your device.
It's just like burning a real candle!
by daols
1. modified the restore command parameters to "tar -axvf" to be compatible with tar.bz2/tar.gz file.
2. support NTFS partition mount&read
by Alex237
Twittfix fix native twitter client authentification. This package provide a fix for the native Harmattan Twitter. After applying this, you will be...
by Enigma
Explode Bombs!
by Enigma
Classic Game Of Solitaire
Compete Against Time And Challenge Yourself With A Classic Klondike Solitaire Card Game!
by Enigma
Display The Periodic Table Of Elements On The Go
Click On Elements And Information Of The Elements Is Displayed
by Van_ess0
Use for your own risk!!! Built with dirty hacks.
Built without gtk/gui support.
by Van_ess0
Built directly on Jolla.
Traceroute tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a given host. It utilizes the IP protocol's...
by Enigma
Turn Your Device Into LED Screen!
Write Your Message And Display It On The Screen In Big Moving Letters
by Enigma
Carry This Classic Party Gmae Conveniently In Your Pocket And You're Always Ready For A Spin!
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