This is a simple CPR metronome, if you know what it is for you can skip the following section.
If not please read this and consider taking a CPR...
Nanofiles is file manager app.
Grid / List View
Inbuilt root mode
Swipe left to go back
Compressing files
Places page
Adding / Managing...
A Traccar client for SailfishOS. You need mapboxgl-qml from rinigus repo. If you have puremaps installed you already have it.
Musikilo is an opensource Nextcloud music streaming app.
Don't forget to add /remote.php/dav/files/nickname/ to root path!
You can donate me here ...
by nemishkor
Unofficial TMDB client. TMDB is Ad-Free, Community-Powered, Best IMDb Alternative
Supported features:
movie, TV shows, people search (all available...
Captain’s Log is a simple diary application for keeping track of your thoughts.
by hb9hei
This app is intended for HAM radio operators.
It displays the current GPS Position as Maidenhead Locator (used in HAM Radio).
Also show GPS position...
by rubdos
FishEye fishes your photo's from your Sony camera, and shares them via the Sailfish OS Share API. Tested on an RX100 VII and an RX10 IV.
Outpost is unofficial app for InPost.
by sarkh
Journey planner for Helsinki, Tampere & Turku area - fork of Jopas originally forked from Meegopas.
by direc85
Taskwarrior manages your TODO list from your command line. It is flexible, fast, efficient, unobtrusive, does its job then gets out of your way....
by rubdos
This package allows sharing images with your Whisperfish contacts. This version works on SailfishOS lower than 4.3, from 3.0 to 4.2.
Hafenschau is an unoffical content viewer for for SailfishOS.
I am not the publisher or creator of the content displayed in this...
A simple FTP server app, written in QML and Python. Uses pyftpdlib to create a server.
Warning: the app creates an authless (anonymous account)...
by glitchapp
A battery representation that visually indicates the remaining power in a graphical format. The battery is divided into multiple charge...
Run File Browser with super user privileges. (For version 2.0.0+.)
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This app can be used to corrupt files on the phone and make...
A client, 95% QML + Python.
Note: this is my first app, first QML project ever, so expect bugs. Source not published yet
Known bugs:
by Carolus
Your mobile podcast client for Jolla SailfishOS.
Podcatcher for SailfishOS is your intelligent podcast client for the Jolla smartphone. You can...
by kan
Repack of dnscrypt-proxy binary from with basic config.
DNScrypt-proxy is a part of DNS alternative...
A collection of ambiences inspired by Arch Linux.
by kan
ldns includes a DNS lookup utility named drill. It can perform DNS lookups and display the answers that are returned from the name server(s) that...
by glitchapp
A notepad editor in lua / Löve.
Very simple functionality, you can type notes and text, save them and it loads saved text automatically on start.
by R1tschY
KDE Connect client for Sailfish OS.
Connect to your laptop or desktop computer and share things.
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