by alina
Adds cover actions to Clock app for New timer and more Stopwatch actions according to its own in-app buttons (see the screenshots).
On the latest...
by alina
Adds a cover action to Contacts app for creating a New Contact.
Don't get confused with New Contact quick action.
Requires patchmanager....
by temaleva
GCompris is a high quality educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10.
Some of the activities are game...
Extremely simple app, which is representing shopping cart. You can add any items you want and It will automatically display total price. This is...
by pamoedo
dialog - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dialog --clear
dialog --create-rc filedialog --print-maxsize
dialog common-options box-...
by campeon
A free Nokia N9 relaxing app.
Suffering from tension? Relax on a natural sound!
If you got trouble in falling asleep, all what you need is to choose...
by cizi
This is my first package where I tried to do a language pack by step by step tutorial relased here
by otsaloma
Poor Maps is in minimal maintenance mode. Please try the successor WhoGo Maps, which is under active development and should be better for most users...
Russian Keyboard layout with presage based text prediction
This keyboard layout utilizes an open-source text prediction solution (not the Xt9 engine...
by aa13q
Unofficial client for Sailfish OS
Donation links:
by karin_zhao
AcFun 弹幕视频客户端 原作者: Yeates(夜切) 更新日期: 2018.03.27 第11次修复
by Armadillo
Manage your daily tasks and notes via your Sailfish smartphone. You can organize them in multiple lists and mark every done task or note as completed...
by beidl
Use your SailfishOS device to boot GNU/Linux Hybrid ISO images on your PC.
If you encounter any issues, set the USB mode to "Charging only" in the...
Hungarian keyboard layout with Presage based input predictor
This keyboard layout utilizes an open-source text prediction solution (not the Xt9...
This replaces cutespotify. Sorry for the inconveniences this renaming might have brought you.
The Application has been renamed, thus you...
by Carolus
Speisepläne für
Mensa Uni Ulm
Cafeteria B
Cafeteria West
Hochschule Ulm (Prittwitzstraße)
by jakibaki
This is still in beta!
You may (or may not) still encounter issues. (please report them if you do)
A patchmanager alternative for Sailfish OS which...
by tmi
** This is a dependency package **
For use with SailfishOS 2.1.0.x and up.
Includes common files for arrow key functionality to e.g. Czech, English,...
by tmi
Hungarian keyboard with 2 or 4 arrow keys for SailfishOS 2.1.0.x and up. Includes the official Jolla provided Hungarian layout from 2.1.4.x...
Swedish keyboard layout with Presage based input predictor
This keyboard layout utilizes an open-source text prediction solution (not the Xt9 engine...
English US Keyboard layout with presage based text prediction
This keyboard layout utilizes an open-source text prediction solution (not the Xt9...
Estonian Keyboard layout with presage based text prediction
This keyboard layout utilizes an open-source text prediction solution (not the Xt9 engine...
by jakibaki
A prepatch patch which makes silica-buttons and icon-buttons vibrate when touched or released.
by jakibaki
A prepatch patch which allows you to move the cursor by swiping on the keyboard.
This requires prepatch to be installed. Please read the prepatch-tmo...
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