Russian Keyboard layout with presage based text prediction
This keyboard layout utilizes an open-source text prediction solution (not the Xt9 engine shipped by the Jolla). It allows you to use it on community supported language pack or if you have a ported device, in addition to the official ones.
The predicted words are generated by the presage library. The presage predictions coming from various plugins:
- ngram: this plugin uses a database generated from text corpuses. Basically it tries to match your typed word with sentence fragments in the database and offers the words from those segments.
- user-ngram: this plugin works the same manner as the ngram, but it's database is expanded continously as you type.
- hunspell: it tries to spellcheck the currently typed word with hunspell and if it found to be mistyped it will suggest the correct version as well
Further info:
Tue, 2018/12/11 - 21:35
Thank you! It works!
Tue, 2018/12/11 - 15:35
Thank you for your work, but presage do not work for me on Sailfis OS I has installed keyboard-presage-ru_RU, maliit-plugin-presage, presage-lang-ru_RU and hunspell-lang-ru_RU packages from your repo, but not see any changes on my keyboard in Ru layout... May be it is needed to enabled anywhere?
Tue, 2018/12/11 - 16:28
You have to enable it in Settings / text input / keyboards.