This is a fork of the original Beerware application by...
This is a fork of the original Beerware application by... (3)
Syncgcontacts is an application that uses the gdata-api to fetch contacts from one (or more) GMail accounts, and save them to your N9. Do... (7)
This package installs service file for systemd. To start it use (as root) terminal command: systemctl start peervpn. To start at... |
John the Ripper password crackerJohn the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS,... |
I transferred my work to sfos-ja organization. From now on,... |
I transferred my work to sfos-ja organization. From now on,... |
libmnl is a minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers. |
GNU ChessGNU Chess is a chess-playing program. It can be used to play chess against the computer on a terminal or, more commonly, as a... (1)
pwgen - Automatic password generationDescription :pwgen generates random, meaningless but pronounceable passwords. |
显示全局代理的状态,需要先在openrepos上安装pdnsd,然后安装jolla-settings-gost-button Display gost global proxy status like vpn. Before install it, read... |
Very thanks to gexc,AfterTheRainOfStars,patchmanager,coderus,etc... config file at /home/nemo/.config/gost/gost.json ... (4)
Texinfo - The GNU Documentation System... |
What is GMP?GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating-point... |
IR Blaster app for Sailfish devices based on android ports containing an IR blaster port. Known to work on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (mido) ... (6)
JOE (Joe's Own Editor) is a freeware ASCII editor for UNIX. Joe is similar to most IBM PC text editors. The keyboard combinations are similar... (2)
Vicious aliens strike again! This time not as spaceships, but commonly used english words! Fend off the alien invasion striking them down, letter... (4)
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