qgvdial is a Googe Voice client for Harmattan written in QT. Works so far in Windows, Linux, Maemo5, Symbian, Harmattan, SailfishOS and MacOSX ...
qgvdial is a Googe Voice client for Harmattan written in QT. Works so far in Windows, Linux, Maemo5, Symbian, Harmattan, SailfishOS and MacOSX ... (8)
qgvdial is a Googe Voice client for Maemo written in QT. Works so far in Windows, Linux, Maemo5, Symbian, Harmattan, SailfishOS and MacOSX Snow... |
qgvdial is a Googe Voice client for SailfishOS written in QT. Works so far in Windows, Linux, Maemo5, Symbian, Harmattan, SailfishOS and MacOSX ... (9)
Native Qt app to control your Tesla Model S
Native Qt app to control your Tesla Model S
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