This is my first RPM built for sailfish OS. The app should run a touch input demo I created to port some LÖVE games to mobiles.
This app...
This is my first RPM built for sailfish OS. The app should run a touch input demo I created to port some LÖVE games to mobiles. This app... (10)
A notepad editor in lua / Löve. Very simple functionality, you can type notes and text, save them and it loads saved text automatically on... |
Solar system engine written in lua / löve featuring real astronomical values and formulas. This app depends on LÖVE runtime, make sure you... |
Animated spring screensaver using several algorithms and shaders such as:
This is a standalone music player with the following features: |
Puyo inspired Match 4 game forked from https://... |
Ludum Dare 29 jam game by tangramgames |
Procedurally generated maze using Recursive Backtracking algorithm by Trystan (see for details) forked and turned into a game ... |
Duck MarinesDuck Marines (working title) is a cross-platform free software remake of Sonic Team's Chu ChuRocket for the Sega Dreamcast... |
Arkanoid written in lua /löve2d. This game was particularly written to demonstrate how powerful anima can be. For starters Anima is an "... |
Otaku-ball (forked from This fork is aimed at... |
Based on the tutorial for Lua and LÖVE 11 by |
A calculator forked from I added the following features... |
Simulated watch rendering the time of the system in an nice smartwatch faceplate. You need love2d runtime to run this apps. |
A fork of a clone of Candy Crush (Match-3) in Love2d |
Originally created as a level editor for my remake of Fish fillets, made standalone afterwards. It can not only work as a level editor and... |
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