by slava
Foil Pics allows you to encrypt some pictures from the gallery with a password stronger than the lock code. Strictly speaking, each picture is...
by slava
Foil Notes allows you to encrypt notes with a password stronger than the lock code. Strictly speaking, each note is encrypted with a unique random...
by nephros
Privoxy is a non-caching privacy-enhancing web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
by theyosh
This app will monitor your WiFi connection. And when it is not connected to a trusted network, it will shutdown your wifi device.
The idea is that...
This is the enhanced but mainly original application Defender by nodevel , see (old, deprecated!): and...
by nodevel
Defender - a privacy guard for SailfishOS.
As an alternative/replacement to the Hosts Adblock, Defender uses the /etc/hosts approach - a proven way...
by NielDK
GnuPG is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 . GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your...
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