
by rob_k
A log for your kilometers / mileage, whether for invoicing costs per km to your employer or clients, or for tracking your targets.
Captain’s Log is a simple diary application for keeping track of your thoughts.
It's a simple fix/recompile for a batterylog by Lucas Fraser to fix reporting energy readings broken in the app on sailfish 4+ original git: https://...
by aviarus
i took the sources and compiled them for aarch64, here is the description on the git repsoitory: Graphical log showing the average battery...
by nephros
This is now available from the chum repository. Please update to that version. "xtail" watches the growth of files.  It's like running a "tail -f"on...
by AlphaX2
Captain's Log is just a little nice diary application, written in pure Python and QML with the following features: lockscreen to restrict the access...
For users who NOT use patchmanager & patchmanager-better-calllog !!! This app will allow you to display contact number in call history. Big...
by hooddy
A simple app that shows GPS information that is not normally available. Requires PR1.2+, will not work on PR1.1. After a valid signal is found, it...
by hooddy
A simple GPS Logger. This application saves your logs on the phone with an option to upload online. Online uploads are used to display using Nokia...