by slava
Based on the original Value Logger by kimmoli.
The original one worked well on Jolla1 until my databases grew to thousands of entries and UI got...
by poetaster
Plotter creates graphical plots of mathematical functions using the D3js library and a helper library from Pavel Panchekha at https...
by rinigus
From RRDtool homepage: RRDtool is the OpenSource industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data. RRDtool...
by rinigus
SystemDataScope is a GUI for visualization of collectd datasets. Together with collectd and RRDtool, it provides a system monitoring solution for...
by Kabouik
Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms. The source code is...
This Matplotlib was built directly on a Jolla Phone/Xperia X. See my fork of Matplotlib to see how I did it. Due to Python version 3.4 on SailfishOS...
by mp107
A robust user-friendly personal finance program to track your credit cards, bank accounts and investments. It is packed with multiple currency...
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