by mjbdev
An unofficial Dropbox client for Sailfish OS.
Version 0.4.1
Licensed under GNU GPLv3
Swedish translation by eson57
Italian translation by...
by b100dian
aarch64 package of
Sample usage I've tested to upload pictures:
$ ln -s ~/Pictures ~OneDrive/Sailfish/Pictures...
by Schturman
Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from some services like:
* Google Drive
* Amazon S3
* Openstack Swift (...
by mazimmer
A markdown note-taking application with ownCloud and WebDav synchronization.
Available for Meego Harmattan (Nokia n9, Nokia n950) and Sailfish OS....
by flypig
A markdown note-taking application with ownCloud and WebDav synchronization.
Available for Meego Harmattan (Nokia n9, Nokia n950) and Sailfish OS....
by cnlpete
This is a tablet build of the app from beidl for conveinience, until beidl accepts the tablet required merge requests on github.
NOTE: Requires...
by cnlpete
This is a tablet build of the app from beidl for conveinience, until beidl accepts the tablet required merge requests on github.
Access your...
by mp107
Intuitive and very smooth maps with great user experience. Supports tile based maps such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Google Satellite, Virtual...
by hooddy
This is my fork of YaD cloud client by QtRoS for Yandex.Disk cloud service. The original YaD sources hosted at
by TigreBleu
ownNews is a native Sailfish OS application that brings the news to your device from your ownCloud news account.
This is very early version so expect...
by zaidk9
Paste text and share them! Paste text anonymously through It is a website that enables you to store text online then share them or...
by zaidk9
GooGle Docs client for Harmattan
by zaidk9
Wifi transfer client
by zaidk9
Ubuntu one client for N9
by zaidk9
Another client for harmattan
by Benecore
RubiBox native application for the Nokia smartphones with Symbian and MeeGo/(Harmattan)OS
RubiBox is winning application of Openmobility Summer...
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