by szopin
Warsaw Bus timetable viewer
0.5 - fix for timetable view, fix Requires for working with osm scout server
0.4 - See live positions of buses/trams on...
by konekoodi
* Note! Versions 1.9.x are compatible with Uitukka, Vaarainjarvi and newer (>=1.10.38) Sailfish OS releases only! *
*Use version 1.8.0 if you are...
by pasko
BuStopMadrid is an unofficial app to get arrival times from EMT bus service of Madrid. Arrival times are just an estimation and depends on EMT...
by mp107
Your personal navigator in the jungle of public transportation in Riga, Latvia. The nearest departures, trip planner, transport shedule, transit...
by mp107
An appealing journey planner for using public transport in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.
Afraid of missing your destination? Don't worry. ‘My...
by mp107
Get Sydney train journey planner for your Nokia MeeGo device!
Features include:
1. Ability to plan trips
2. Check for service interruptions
by verydeep
DeLijn Departure Schedule
by konekoodi
Where is the nearest bus stop? When is the next bus coming?
Nysset provides access to Public Transport timetables and real time bus information, for...
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