Patch: Launcher combined patch

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SFOS3 compatible patchh in Web Catalog!



Combined patch for homescreen launcher.

Patch only for SailfishOS v2.0.2.43 and newer
Fits both phone and tablet.

This patch is incompatible with other launcher patches like Launcher background transparency, etc. and you need to unapply them before using this patch.


  • adding 4 icons style for folder
  • improves folder view by extending it size, moving drop area to header, converting whole view to attached page
  • contains settings applet to change rows and columns count, font and icons size change, text visibility in edit mode, disabling pager scrolling, background opacity and system themed background, 

Forum discussion:


Donations are welcome =)


Updated for SailfishOS 2.0.2.x


jpsorvisto's picture

Hi, there is some problem with new OS update Folder icons are disappeared.

naytsyrhc's picture

The patch will be removed on system update (in fact you should have unapplied the patch yourself before updating, as Jolla always recommends in release notes). Without patch, icons from folders disappear. But the problem is that reapplying patch doesn't seem to work on, have the same issue.

elastic's picture

Can't apply the patch in - fast update would be worth 5 bucks ...

malibu's picture

Getting a bug where app drawer become empty.
How to reproduce : open app drawer, open one app ( warehouse in my case, cause the launching time is long > for the bug ) open right now app drawer again, go to a folder, launch an app.

1/2 time, all my apps and folders disappear from app drawer.

objectifnul's picture

Currently rebuilding my environment after factory reset and SFOS update to (not ready for 2.0.xx)

Missing a compatibility table for this patch and some others: try, fail, try next, fail, etc. Cumbersome. Note: v0.1.4.1 is OK with SFOS

malibu's picture

Thanks for this note ;)

coderus's picture

I'm not supporting old outdated releases and peoples using it :)

objectifnul's picture

I know. It's a problem.

coderus's picture

 The only idea is to find a better home for your Jolla Phone, where new owner will use it with more love than you :)

objectifnul's picture

My opinion: Jolla is the worst phone in the world, except any other phone in the world ;-)

coderus's picture

Then you need to sell it for sure, don't need to hurt yourself.

objectifnul's picture

Not sure you understood what I meant. This. Phone. Is. Not. For. Sale.

Simply because there is no better phone on earth..

fishegg's picture

Excuse me, it seems that the patch has a minor bug. When deleting app from folder page, remorse timer popup is on the previous page.

coderus's picture

for me it showing popup on current page

fishegg's picture

Thanks. It went right after re-applied the patch.

damourti's picture

Works nice, thanks!

luxbrux's picture

Hi coderus,Failed to install patch on The patch is installed but the application fails . thank you.

coderus's picture

make sure you installed latest version.

BillyHalley's picture

Hi coderus, can you add an option to choose between attached page and classic folder style?

coderus's picture


BillyHalley's picture

Thanks :)

coderus's picture

you can do it and make PR on github, i'll review and update.

BillyHalley's picture

I'm sorry, i didn't see this reply.

I'll try when I have some time :)

MoritzJT's picture

sailfishos-launcher-combined-patch-0.2.5-1.noarch.rpm has an issue for me with the labels misplaced oddly. The default value was just fine, as they now overlap if you go up to 7 rows.

coderus's picture

nothing changed with labels in v0.2.5

MoritzJT's picture

Thank you for the fix! Could we get a choice selector for folder type display used? So we get the choice between page and folder? Thank you :-)

coderus's picture


Maciek's picture

Have you thought about chaning height of that menu drawer when tapping on screen if no app is running? It now shows like 1 and 1/10 rows instead of just first one, I guess changing current height to icon height would fix this. Thanks for fixing orientation, you're doing good work here. :)

coderus's picture

now is when? what configuration you using?

Maciek's picture

5 columns, 7 rows, changed font and icon size, 90% zoom value, themed background 100% opacity. And now it looks like that, I expected to see just the first row. (I just thought about a feature, you could add an option to show more than one row in that drawer. )
