Warehouse Installer

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'Warehouse Installer' will help you with Warehouse installation on clean devices.

Since Nokia has closed harmattan repositories, some Warehouse dependencies are unreacheble by default. This package will fix that.

You need to enable application installation from uncertified sources:
Select Phone Settings and Applications > Installations, and activate Allow installations from non-Store sources.

PR1.3 firmware required.

You need to install N9RepoMirror application, to remove offline Nokia repositories, and add working mirrors.

This small video guide will help you with installation: http://youtu.be/sbQ2KogPQJY

Application versions: 
File warehouse-installer_0.0.3_armel.deb93.28 KB13/05/2014 - 21:16

warehouse-installer (0.0.3) stable; urgency=low * Tokens update


UranusOne's picture

Thank you!

mussab's picture

hey there
any body here??

basil's picture

Yes, everybody is here

farish's picture


I installed the installer and connect my phone to WiFi. but tapping the installer do nothing, wired, isn't it? 

basil's picture

Yes. Please wait until I implement UI for the installer.

farish's picture

Hi, any update of how to install warehouse?

thanks a bunch man

basil's picture

No updates yet

farish's picture

Hi Basil, 

I need to have a SSH connection to be able to escape from censorship in my country, I am not able to enable developer mode, I downloaded all Developer mode packages from here and none of them can be installed too. Warehouse also can not be installed with the installer, would ya help me to get through this?


basil's picture

Warehouse Installer updated with version 0.0.2, with gui and action log. try it.

farish's picture


Here are two error I got:

Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

or this one:

Rejected send meassage, 3 matched rules; type ="Method _call", sender=":1.291" (uid=29999 pid=2267 comm="/opt/warehouse-installer/bin/warehouse-installer)"

interface="com.nokia.package_manager" member ="refresh_package_cache" error name="(unset") reauested_reply=0 destination="nokia.com.package_manager" (uid=0 pid=2311 comm="/usr/bin/pkgmgrd")


thanks alot

mpurtone's picture


I'm also getting these two errors (only sender and pid are different in the second one). The first one occurs if I try to install Warehouse using the Warehouse installer after a phone reboot. It changes to the second one after I check for updates in "Manage applications". My phone is an unmodified N9 (PR1.3) and developer mode is not activated. I have N9 RepoMirror installed. Is there any chance of getting this to work without a reflash?

ekze's picture

Same. Could it be related to phone language? Currently it's Russian.

basil's picture

No, it does not depend on language, but default repositories availability. Probably , it will be fixed soon, no ETA yet.

ekze's picture

Thanks for the fast reply! Looking forward for the fix! ^^

MAMA's picture

У меня такая же проблема! 

basil's picture

Please try version 0.0.3

farish's picture

still the same except I didn't recieved this one anymore:

Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

but the other still persisit and nothing more


basil's picture

Have you removed 0.0.2 version before install 0.0.3? if not, remove 0.0.3 now, and reinstall again.

farish's picture

yes I did but as you said I did it again, uninstall version 3 and installed it again, still the same

basil's picture

Okay, seems that I need some time to investigate that.
