Warehouse for Jolla Tablet

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This is an x86 Sailfish build of the native client for OpenRepos.net for use on the Jolla Tablet, built from Github. Note that there is currently no filtering by architecture, so you will see apps that do not have x86 build available, although they will have no 'Install' button.

Application versions: 
File harbour-warehouse-0.3-29.i486.rpm102.93 KB16/02/2016 - 02:33

- Qt 5.2 js fix


MooCrumpus's picture

Architecture-Check / filter would be really, really nice, or at least an disable repository function, in case you just enabled a wrong one...

mjtorn's picture

Nice that this exists!

Any plans or means of bribery to get architecture filtering to work?


Louis's picture

Great to have Warehouse for the tablet :)

Would be awesome with landscape support (at least for the tablet version)