Patch: restore swipe to lock

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Starting with Sailfish OS 2.0, Jolla removed the swipe to lock functionality. This patch restores it, without dropping the new "PowerKey/Top menu".

A full swipe from the top will work as usual (the menu remains accessible).

The behaviour is configurable from Settings -> System -> Gestures.

Latest version works on SailfishOS 3.0.0+.

GitHub project page.

If you like my work, you can buy me a beer :)




- [data] patch: Updated patch to match Sailfish OS Lemmenjoki


eugenio's picture

Hm, I think the configuration then will become too cumbersome. The threshold is simply the percentage of screen height / width (on landscape).

Rikudou_Sennin's picture

hello, it says i cannot install because nothing provides the version you have in dependencies, but i have 1.1.9. Do you know why?

eugenio's picture

Your SailfishOS version must be or higher.

Rikudou_Sennin's picture

OK, thank you, now it works, I had Are there any higher versions of 1.1.9? I can't find almost anything about 1.1.9 on Google.

eugenio's picture

Not currently.

J0114sailor's picture

can i suggests a patch to make? i think its annoying when you are in app and check notifications (you can do this if you have enabled it from options, its something like "left swipe brings up the notification screen always") But when i fully let the notification screen come and then try to swipe from side, it brings me to homescreen
so is it possible to make patch that prevents that to happen and takes me back to app? thanks for ypur amazing work!

eugenio's picture

That can be done.

malibu's picture

Is it possible to add settings for the maximum swipe size between the lockscreen function and the ambience selection page ?

eugenio's picture

Implemented in

malibu's picture

Thanks a lot for implementing this. Great and usefull patch.

eugenio's picture

I'll look into it :)

malibu's picture

Thanks a lot ! Really coooool patch.

Good work :)

gri4994's picture

Dammit, Sailfish community rules!
