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This is my personal copy of apkenv.

Apkenv is a compatibility layer for applications packaged as ".apk", runs on Harmattan (N9) and Fremantle (N900).

"This project is a proof-of-concept on how applications targetting one platform can be made compatible with not so much effort as initially thought."

Refer to:

and also:

Application versions: 
File apkenv_42.3.15_armel.deb306.3 KB31/08/2013 - 07:57
File apkenv_42.7.0_armel.deb318.29 KB05/07/2014 - 19:49

apkenv (42.7.0) unstable; urgency=low * New release.


santy's picture

A question because when I want to install the application tells me missing dependencies and not the download ?. One possible solution ?. sorry for the English is the Google translator

lightdot's picture

What is missing? Anyway, perhaps it is because Nokia turned off the official repositories for N9 and apkenv needs something from there. Since it used to install fine, that would be the first thing I'd try.

There are replacement repositores available, try https://openrepos.net/content/ancelad/n9-repomirror

osmingab85's picture

seria recomendable que trabajaran mas en esta aplicacion para poder correr las app de Android, ya que si esto pasara no seria necesario tratar de cambiar el sistema a nuestro N9 ya que es un excelente SO.

Gracias por el aporte