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Find a bike in your city!
This app helps you to find a bike or a free parking spot for the self-service bicycle scheme provided by JCDecaux: CyclOcity. It provides a simple interactive map displaying all CyclOcity stations by city, their number of available bikes and free parking spots, and the geolocation.
More info can be found on


Trouvez rapidement un vélo ou une place disponible dans votre ville!
BikeMee fourni les outils indispensables pour se servir de CyclOcity, le système de vélos en libre-service mis en place par JCDecaux : la carte interactive des stations de chaque ville et la géolocalisation.
Plus d'infos sur

Application versions: 
File bikemee_0.2.0_armel.deb149.46 KB16/03/2014 - 06:06

bikemee (0.2.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Update due to changes in JCDecaux API.


elastic's picture

Hi, great app! I was wondering if you would consider to change the api to citybikes it would add a bunch of cities and systems to your app ... 

mriol's picture

Excellent work! Why is this app not on Jolla boutique? It is a great app and seems to work pretty fine!

User from Paris

Sthocs's picture

Thanks, glad you like it. I guess you're talking about BikeMe :)
It's because it uses an unstable API to display the Map, which is not yet allowed in Jolla Store. I will put it in store as soon as the API gets allowed, but it seems that it won't happen until several months (years?).

Alexxxlrus's picture

in Russia only one city? (((

Sthocs's picture

With only 7 stations, and not opened in winter ; )

Reopening on April 15th!

cyclotester's picture

Seems like a great app to me; unfortunately I cannot test it in my hometown, so adding Vienna would make it even greater!

Sthocs's picture

Thanks for your comment. Indeed Vienna is normally managed by JCDecaux but for some reason it is not present in their public API. I have contacted them to ask why, and if it will be accessible in the future.