Daily Comics

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Read every day your favorite comic strips.

Designed for phones usage
Basic tablet support

- select your favorite comics among the list for quick access
- retrieve automatically the new strips locally
- display basic information about comics
- quick view all new strips in a row
- glance at unread comics in cover
- save your preferred strips to the gallery
- share strips with people
- zoom strip for better readability
- full landscape view support
- comics from multiple languages
- animate gif comics
- individual comics as independent plugins

Unfortunately the application has not been accepted into Harbour for copyright issues.

Source code available at Github Daily comics

You can check current issues and planned features at Github issues

List of supported comics: comics list

If you have some additional comics you would like to be in the list, please contact me
You can as well check the guidelines and open a Pull Request for it.


Here below are few good online resources to find new comics




Application versions: 
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.1-1.armv7hl.rpm6.38 MB18/03/2020 - 23:11
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.1-1.i486.rpm6.39 MB18/03/2020 - 23:11
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.0-1.armv7hl.rpm5.72 MB05/05/2019 - 16:09
File harbour-dailycomics-1.9.0-1.i486.rpm5.72 MB05/05/2019 - 16:09
File harbour-dailycomics-1.8.0-1.armv7hl.rpm4.79 MB28/01/2019 - 01:42
File harbour-dailycomics-1.8.0-1.i486.rpm4.8 MB28/01/2019 - 01:42


Fast comics fix possibility: there is a file update.json in repository which is downloaded by
the application on start which allows to fix comics without releasing a new application version
A lot of comics were fixed
New comics: Vida de Programador, Suporte, C. Bennett, emoticomix


fix all comics
add many new comics
save strip to gallery
support dark and light themes
translations updates
various small fixes and UI improvements


Sthocs's picture

Great app, thanks! Two things though:
- xkcd doesn't work for me: [w] unknown:32 - file:///usr/share/harbour-dailycomics/qml/pages/ComicPage.qml:32:9: QML Image: Cannot open: file://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/xkcloud.png
- otherwise, could you download the strips directly while fetching for new strips, and keep them in cache until next day? Would be perfect for using in the subway!

tardypad's picture

I've just published a new version which directly download the strips and store them locally.
So no internet connection is needed anymore once you have fetched them.

tardypad's picture

I've planned a task for the caching of strips https://github.com/tardypad/daily-comics/issues/1

tardypad's picture


I've just released a new version that fix xkcd

The caching of strips is not part of it yet but will come in the next one.

tex's picture

xkcd stopped working for me about a week ago. If I choose it, I get a blank page.

tardypad's picture

I've just released a new version that fix xkcd!

tardypad's picture

Thanks, I've seen it as well. I think it's coming from a change of url format on the xkcd website. I'll fix it soon with the next release including new comics that people asked.

Stimpy's picture

what about foxtrot ? it's a weekly comic.

tardypad's picture

FoxTrot has just been added in the new release!

TubularBell's picture

Finnish cartoon called Fingerpori woulb be the best.

tardypad's picture

Fingerpori has just been added in the new release!

TubularBell's picture

Very cool. Thanks a lot!

mr_browns's picture

Very lovely app! I enjoy this every day,thank you.

nodevel's picture

Unfortunately the application has not been accepted into Harbour for potential copyright issues.

Maybe changing the icon to something not infringing copyright would help? I doubt that the problem is in the content.

tardypad's picture

I've had a short mail discussion with them but according to their lawyer, I would need a license for such an app "distributing" these comics. And so they prefer to be careful with copyrights and not allow the app in Harbour for now.

So the content is the main problem. Indeed they also advised me to change to icon/cover images if it would make it to Harbour. But since it doesn't go there for now, it doesn't matter.

objectifnul's picture

One of the most long-awaited native apps. Thanks. Any possibility to display older strips, not only the newest one?

tardypad's picture
tardypad's picture

Maybe this feature will come but much later. I prefer first to keep this app as a "daily" viewer where you spend the minimum time every day to read the new strips of your favourite comics.
