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Discourse-based forum viewer

If you know of a discourse-based forum missing that would be worth including pls post a comment or raise an issue/PR

Icon by dseight

Source: https://github.com/szopin/harbour-discourser



Application versions: 
File harbour-discourser-0.1-1.noarch.rpm79.51 KB23/08/2020 - 10:08
File harbour-discourser-0.2-1.noarch.rpm79.48 KB23/08/2020 - 11:47
File harbour-discourser-0.3-1.noarch.rpm78.9 KB23/08/2020 - 12:34
File harbour-discourser-0.4-1.noarch.rpm76.06 KB28/08/2020 - 23:02
File harbour-discourser-0.4.1-1.noarch.rpm76.11 KB31/08/2020 - 09:50
File harbour-discourser-0.4.2-1.noarch.rpm76.16 KB06/09/2020 - 17:20
File harbour-discourser-0.4.3-1.noarch.rpm76.2 KB06/09/2020 - 21:38
File harbour-discourser-0.4.4-1.noarch.rpm78.51 KB11/09/2020 - 15:40
File harbour-discourser-0.4.5-1.noarch.rpm79.21 KB14/09/2020 - 02:06
File harbour-discourser-0.4.6-1.noarch.rpm79.48 KB18/09/2020 - 21:30
File harbour-discourser-0.4.7-1.noarch.rpm79.55 KB21/09/2020 - 15:30
File harbour-discourser-0.4.8-1.noarch.rpm79.57 KB25/10/2020 - 22:10
File harbour-discourser-0.4.9-1.noarch.rpm79.64 KB10/11/2020 - 15:39
File harbour-discourser-0.4.10-1.noarch.rpm79.66 KB17/11/2020 - 15:45
File harbour-discourser-0.4.11-1.noarch.rpm79.61 KB31/12/2020 - 20:46
File harbour-discourser-0.4.12-1.noarch.rpm79.66 KB13/01/2021 - 00:11
File harbour-discourser-0.4.13-1.noarch.rpm79.67 KB07/03/2021 - 14:32
File harbour-discourser-0.4.14-1.noarch.rpm79.69 KB14/03/2021 - 15:50
File harbour-discourser-0.4.15-1.noarch.rpm79.71 KB31/03/2022 - 07:14
File harbour-discourser-0.4.16-1.noarch.rpm79.74 KB05/03/2023 - 17:29
File harbour-discourser-0.4.17-1.noarch.rpm80.13 KB05/03/2023 - 18:28
File harbour-discourser-0.4.18-1.noarch.rpm80.14 KB05/03/2023 - 18:50
File harbour-discourser-0.4.19-1.noarch.rpm80.24 KB05/03/2023 - 19:03
File harbour-discourser-0.4.20-1.noarch.rpm80.7 KB30/09/2023 - 18:37
File harbour-discourser-0.4.21-1.noarch.rpm80.7 KB14/10/2023 - 10:03
File harbour-discourser-0.4.22-1.noarch.rpm80.88 KB14/10/2023 - 11:28
File harbour-discourser-0.4.23-1.noarch.rpm81.05 KB09/02/2024 - 08:17
File harbour-discourser-0.4.24-1.noarch.rpm81.72 KB15/02/2024 - 22:30
File harbour-discourser-0.9.0-1.noarch.rpm83.33 KB23/04/2024 - 23:30
File harbour-discourser-0.9.1-1.noarch.rpm83.41 KB25/04/2024 - 07:29
File harbour-discourser-0.9.2-1.noarch.rpm83.35 KB29/04/2024 - 09:33
File harbour-discourser-0.9.3-1.noarch.rpm83.55 KB03/05/2024 - 15:25
File harbour-discourser-0.9.4-1.noarch.rpm83.59 KB03/06/2024 - 22:58
File harbour-discourser-0.9.5-1.noarch.rpm84.47 KB09/08/2024 - 18:37
File harbour-discourser-0.9.6-1.noarch.rpm84.47 KB08/01/2025 - 10:48
File harbour-discourser-0.9.7-1.noarch.rpm84.48 KB09/03/2025 - 12:25

0.9.7 - Haiku forum added

0.9.6 - Few more forums (thanks to CharlesGueunet)

0.9.5 - Italian translation (thanks to 247)

0.9.4 - couple more forums, missing "link to thread" option added, thanks to rainemak for noticing, now we're 1-1 :P

0.9.3 - few more forums

0.9.2 - fix for uncensor option availability

0.9.1 - Swedish translation update (thanks to Åke Engelbrektson)

0.9.0 - Remaining logged-out features ported (avatars, large topic support, solution marking, following internal links within app, locked topic indicator, tags, webview fix)

0.4.24 - Old compression for older sfos builds (proper reupload)

0.4.23 - Few more forums added (thanks to kuba77)

0.4.22 - Swedish translation update (thanks to Åke Engelbrektson)

0.4.21 - KDE forum added (thanks to AndyWuest)

0.4.20 - One dead forum removed, one new added

0.4.19 - Copy to clipboard and copy link to clipboard

0.4.18 - Relative images fix

0.4.17 - Show replied to post, alternative formatting, marking solutions in threadview and newer version of revision history

0.4.16 - Couple more forums

0.4.15 - Sailjail permissions and Discourse forum added

0.4.14 - Home Assistant forum added

0.4.13 - Fix for SFOS 4.x

0.4.12 - MIXXX, Mozilla and PrivacyTools forums added

0.4.11 - Category view seems to work now for all forums (hopefully?), new forum added (SpecialK)

0.4.10 - ZeroTierOne (awesome service if you don't want or can't even (we're just leasing the lines, we can't take your money) pay 5 euro for public IP, with native SFOS client on openrepos, no idea how secure it is, but for sshing through CGNAT works great)

0.4.9 - Chinese translation update (thanks to 友橘 (Youju))

0.4.8 - One more site

0.4.7 - Chinese translation update (thanks to 友橘 (Youju))

0.4.6 - Forum name displayed on firstpage (thanks to mentaljam)

0.4.5 - Chinese translation (thanks to 友橘 (Youju))

0.4.4 - Selected forum stored in dconf and russian translation (thanks to mentaljam)

0.4.3 - Swedish translation (thanks to Åke Engelbrektson)

0.4.2 - And few more

0.4.1 - Couple more sites

0.4 - Different icon, free-form text field for custom URLs

0.3 - Few more, >50% of forums have 'JSON.parse: Parse error' on category view, hopefully this is not 'fixed in qt 5.14'

0.2 - Ubuntu, sure

0.1 - Initial, pre-pre-alpha use at your own risk blah blah


windes's picture
szopin's picture

Added in 0.9.7

bionade24's picture

May you please add https://discourse.haskell.org and discourse.ros.org to the forum list?

szopin's picture

Try 0.9.4

fingus's picture

Wheres Screenshots?

szopin's picture


kuba77's picture

Please add:

And what about forums in other languages than English? I know two discourse forums in Czech language but there are probably discourse forums in other languages ​​as well.

szopin's picture

Add them to the list with maybe (CZ) after? As long as they work (doubt they use czech localized api) and relevant, why not

Matias's picture

Hello could you add https://winraid.level1techs.com/ to the next release if possible?

szopin's picture

added in 4.20

Matias's picture

Wow that was quick, thank you :D

DylanP's picture

May not be a tech based ones but could you add https://community.monzo.com and https://community.revolut.com when you get time

szopin's picture

Added in 0.4.16

kan's picture

I've met an issue with my custom entered forum. Discourser only works for the first subpage of thread. [W] unknown:84 - file:///usr/share/harbour-discourser/qml/pages/ThreadView.qml:84: JSON.parse: Parse error [W] unknown:0 - QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. (Parent is QQmlEngine(0x57ab61f4a0), parent's thread is QThread(0x57ab503c30), current thread is QSGRenderThread(0x57abb1f8f0) [W] unknown:67 - file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Label.qml:67:9: QML OpacityRampEffectBase: Binding loop detected for property "slope" [W] unknown:67 - file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/Label.qml:67:9: QML OpacityRampEffectBase: Binding loop detected for property "slope"

Is it possible to implement fix for "long thread" in Discourser.

explit's picture

I have a question: i see Sailfish Forum viewer is updatef from time to time. What about Discourser? Will it get the same updates? Thanks

szopin's picture

Login situation is rather abysmal so until Jolla get their shit together and provide a working up to date webview it's not coming, remaining missing features are finally done I think

szopin's picture

0.4.17 added 'Show replied to post, alternative formatting, marking solutions in threadview and newer version of revision history' if you see any other 'logged out' features missing, let me know (following internal links is probably not gonna work, some kind of dynamic regexp generation would be needed, but seeing how it took me 4-5 attempts to get it right for a static URL in sfos forum... unlikely)

szopin's picture

Most of the updates to sfv are related to logged-in functionality which is not planned for Discourser, might've missed some minor tweaks like version history or internal links. I will test with 2-3 random forums if login flow from sfv will work for them, if it does will do a complete rebase then (doubt this will work well as each forum can have their own notification/action types etc though trying to keep sfv not reliant too much on those (so far we have exceptions only for badges and now for group mailboxes, those most likely are universal))

explit's picture

Great, thanks!

explit's picture

Please update for 4.4 (Sailjail permissions)

szopin's picture


nerd7473's picture

Could you add https://forums.puri.sm?

szopin's picture

It's already there under PureOS

schmolle's picture

Great app!
What about https://community.home-assistant.io?

szopin's picture


schmolle's picture

Cool! Thank you!

JacekJagosz's picture

Could you add discourse.differentk.fyi ?

szopin's picture

Sorry it took so long, added

tanghus's picture

Could you add help.nextcloud.com?

explit's picture

Could you build i486 package please?
