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2025-03-06 0.0.6 removed for erros not tested, see
2025-03-01 Please use chum for the future versions, I am uploading 0.0.6 from there, but might not update it timely in the future.


Testing packaging of (see thread

This is a service that once a week (If I read it correctly) downloads hosts to block.

The service/script/timer is done by @ohnonot, I have only packaged it as in

If it does not automatically start, you need to "systemctl start hosts.service" and/or "systemctl start hosts.timer" as root (devel-su) and wait a bit (check journalctl -f or systemctl status hosts.service).

When done, reboot.


Application versions: 
File hosts-block-0.0.1-1.noarch.rpm8.88 KB09/01/2025 - 01:59
File hosts-block-0.0.2-1.4.1.jolla_.noarch.rpm9.47 KB12/01/2025 - 02:59

- major overhaul to enable reload on filechange


shak3800's picture

Does this also change host in /system/etc/hosts ? I seem to be getting ads in android but not in SFOS

b100dian's picture

No, I don't think so. Please be aware that if you install the 0.0.6 version, there was an error in that package that might make your device not boot: See this thread which should also be the support thread opened by @ohnonot

I have temporarily retired 0.0.6 from openrepos now too.

sausset's picture

In the last version, notificationtool is used but not installed by default (at least on C2 with You have to install it before: pkcon install lipstick-qt5-tools
The script is failing and the service cannot be launched properly if you don't install it.
Once done, everything is working fine. :-)

b100dian's picture

Thank you @sausset for your comment and analysis - that is indeed the case, I have added that dependency in 0.0.2+git1