Testing packaging of https://framagit.org/ohnonot/sfos/-/tree/master/hosts (see thread https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/ad-blocking-in-sailfishos-in-2023-what-ar...).
This is a service that once a week (If I read it correctly) downloads hosts to block.
The service/script/timer is done by @ohnonot, I have only packaged it as in https://framagit.org/ohnonot/sfos/-/merge_requests/1/diffs
If it does not automatically start, you need to "systemctl start hosts.service" and/or "systemctl start hosts.timer" as root (devel-su) and wait a bit (check journalctl -f or systemctl status hosts.service).
When done, reboot.
Attachment | Size | Date |
hosts-block-0.0.1-1.noarch.rpm | 8.88 KB | 09/01/2025 - 01:59 |
hosts-block-0.0.2-1.4.1.jolla_.noarch.rpm | 9.47 KB | 12/01/2025 - 02:59 |
- Send notification to restart browser after update
Sun, 2025/01/12 - 17:01
In the last version, notificationtool is used but not installed by default (at least on C2 with You have to install it before: pkcon install lipstick-qt5-tools
The script is failing and the service cannot be launched properly if you don't install it.
Once done, everything is working fine. :-)