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This is a very alpha implementation of Kaidan for SailfishOS but with some edits:

  • it implements Omemo 0.3 and not Omemo 0.8 to be compatible with Conversations
  • UI is not using Kirigami but Sailfish Silica

What works:

  • Exchanging text messages (clear and encrypted).
  • Exchanging files (clear and encrypted)
  • QR Code scanning
  • Notifications (to improve)
  • Fingerprint verification for Omemo
  • Display Groups (Kaidan does not allow yet to manage them)
  • Roster: Assign Labels, Block contacts, Filter, Search, Pin contacts
  • Media settings
  • Change Avatar picture

What's missing:

  • Emoji support
  • Sending Position, Voice message

Source: branch sfos

What's next:

  • Fixing bugs
    • Still some Omemo bugs
    • Restart the app is needed to get trust decision taken into account
    • UI to improve

Note: If Omemo is not working fine, select Remove from Kaidan in Account settings and add account.



Application versions: 
File harbour-kaidan-0.10.0-3.aarch64.rpm1.04 MB10/03/2024 - 17:36
File harbour-kaidan-0.10.0-3.armv7hl.rpm992.28 KB10/03/2024 - 17:49
File harbour-kaidan-0.10.0-4.aarch64.rpm1.01 MB22/04/2024 - 23:20
File harbour-kaidan-0.10.0-4.armv7hl.rpm962.5 KB22/04/2024 - 23:20
File harbour-kaidan-0.10.0-5.armv7hl.rpm965.6 KB31/05/2024 - 09:36
File harbour-kaidan-0.10.0-5.aarch64.rpm1.01 MB31/05/2024 - 09:36



kirbylife_'s picture

It requests me to re-enter my login user & password every time I open the app, is there something to enable to keep me logged in?

Sfusr's picture

I have the same problem. After re-login, all previous messages are encrypted so can't read them.

Some of the groups are also not shown in the app. It would also be extremely nice if omemo would be available in group chats as well.


Thank you for developing this app, xmpp app in sailfish with proper encryption has been awaited for sooo long.

norayr's picture

i cannot login when using unicode domain name (and unicode username maybe is a problem as well). wden using accoutt with laatin letters i can.

i guess if u allow setting connect hostname or advanced settings during account addition at 'lets start' it might be solved?

D_R's picture

Last version does not start. I see only a white screen.
I opened an issue on github..

mazhe's picture

Weird, my XA2 should be up to date but I have a lower libZXing that what is requested by the armv7 rpm:

| Sailfish OS (Struven ketju)
[defaultuser@XperiaXA2Plus-DualSIM ~]$ devel-su
[root@XperiaXA2Plus-DualSIM defaultuser]# rpm -i harbour-kaidan-0.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by harbour-kaidan-0.0.1-1.armv7hl
[root@XperiaXA2Plus-DualSIM defaultuser]# ls /usr/lib/*
/usr/lib/      /usr/lib/

mazhe's picture

My bad, did not see that there was a separate zxing needed... Ok managed to install and even build the sources.

D_R's picture

I'm not able to see my group chats. Is ther something special to setup?

Ron282's picture

Hi, I have not seen yet support for groups in Kaidan :(. I need to check if this is part of the most recent builds.

monkeyisland's picture

Under Xperia x not installable
Failure :
Dateien werden installiert
Warten auf Legitimation
Pakete werden installiert
Pakete werden heruntergeladen
Schwerwiegender Fehler: Datei './q/qxmpp-1.5.5-2.armv7hl.rpm' auf Medium 'h
ttps://' nicht gefunden
[nemo@Sailfish Downloads]$

Ron282's picture

@monkeyisland Installation tested OK on with Xperia X. QXmpp component updated yesterday may be this is the cause?

Ron282's picture

@monkeyisland Can you check with the recent update?

D_R's picture

Yea but not state of the art ...

D_R's picture

Very cool. It tooks more then ten years that we get a state of the art xmpp client. I'm very exited about your development. You made may day. Thx a lot for doing that!!!!!

eson's picture

Well, in my opinion we alredy had an inbuilt XMPP client since day one. Please check your Settings>Accounts>Add Account.