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Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from some services like:

* Google Drive
* Amazon S3
* Openstack Swift (Rackspace cloud files,  Memset Memstore, OVH)
* Dropbox
* Google Cloud Storage
* Microsoft OneDrive
* Amazon Drive
* Hubic
* Backblaze B2
* Yandex Disk
* The local filesystem

I just packaged the binary for Jolla devices. More info you can read on official site or here, the GitHub here.
This package also used in my app Simple & quick file backup (rsync) from v0.1-8.

- New version 1.39 (changelog here: https://rclone.org/changelog)
- Beta version updated to v1.39-127-g8a25ca78. To use it, run "rclone2" command. More info here:

- Beta version updated to v1.38-043-ge612673e. To use it, run "rclone2" command. More info here:

- Changelog here: https://rclone.org/changelog.
- Also added beta version v1.38-017-g7f3dc9b5 to this package. To use it, run "rclone2" command. More info here:

- Changelog here: https://rclone.org/changelog.

Beware, use it on your own risk !!!

Donation are welcome :)

Application versions: 
File rclone-1.36-0.i486.rpm4.35 MB14/07/2017 - 10:36
File rclone-1.36-0.armv7hl.rpm4.4 MB14/07/2017 - 10:36
File rclone-1.37-0.i486.rpm4.72 MB26/07/2017 - 19:42
File rclone-1.37-0.armv7hl.rpm3.25 MB26/07/2017 - 19:45
File rclone-1.38-0.i486.rpm10.03 MB17/10/2017 - 07:37
File rclone-1.38-0.armv7hl.rpm6.72 MB17/10/2017 - 07:37
File rclone-1.38-01.i486.rpm10.09 MB28/10/2017 - 17:20
File rclone-1.38-01.armv7hl.rpm6.76 MB28/10/2017 - 17:20
File rclone-1.39-0.i486.rpm11.16 MB10/02/2018 - 00:38
File rclone-1.39-0.armv7hl.rpm7.43 MB10/02/2018 - 00:38

- New version 1.39.
- Beta version updated to v1.39-127-g8a25ca78. To use it, run "rclone2" command. More info here:


Louis's picture

I managed to install the RPM version of rclone 1.66 for ARM 64-bit on Sailfish 4.6.11 from here: https://rclone.org/downloads/ . So it seems to run.

mathieujallois's picture

Is an update coming to 64 bits it will be great

bomo's picture

Would it be possible for you to provide also a version of the latest beta? Thats because it has (for the first time) support for webdav/owncloud/nextcloud. Please see: https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/580#issuecomment-335199069

That would also be a nice option for your nice rsync backup tool :-).

Schturman's picture

Hi, can you tell me something... For WebDav it can use only "copy" command ? or also sync and other ?

bomo's picture

Thanks so much for your build!

Unfortunately, only copy is working for me. I hope that sync will be suported also later (maybe when the next stable version is released)

Schturman's picture

ok... thanks for report. I think I will not change quick-filebackup for now... We will wait for stable version.

bomo's picture

Just for info: There is a new beta (posted in same issue) and sync works fine for me with it.

And of course thanks a lot for your current build and the efforts!

Schturman's picture

Thanks for report, my package updated and included this beta :).

Schturman's picture

ok, will check...