Spinny the runner: mechanical menace (temporary tittle, it may change in the future) is a platform game with mechanics of the 16 bits era, modern graphics and many features such as: story mode, multiplayer, touch controls, split screen, 4 selectable characters, game editor, network controls and much more.
The game is built with "Boxclip" engine, a 2D platformer engine using LÖVE and Lua forked from: https://github.com/Jigoku/boxclip
Boxclip is a 2D platformer engine, with an emphasis on interactive map editing. Built using the LÖVE2D framework.
Maps can be created with the custom built-in map editor. Simply drop and place entities into the world to create a level.
This app depends on LÖVE runtime, make sure you install it first: https://openrepos.net/content/sashikknox/love-2d-runtime
The repository of this fork is: boxclip-mobile (Projects had originally two different branches and now desktop and mobile version are unified on the link provided)
Developers interested on discussing and / or contributing to the game development can join the loomio forum here: boxclip-Loomio
I added to this fork:
Tweaks (necessary to avoid compatibility issues):
v0.3.4-1 adds: Improved birds animations:
- Birds now spread in different sizes and move and rotate on a z axis (pseudo 3d)
- Improved fusion of the birds with the backgrounds through fragment shaders ( Added ambient occlusion, diffuse lighting based on a light direction and specular highlights to simulate a slight reflection.)
- Added Day-night cycle algorithm to make the overall palette dynamic. The original pallete is now slightly modified to simulate sunrise and sunset and the whole day night cycle.
v0.3.5-1 adds:
- Hints from the sky: birds have now the ability to congregate and draw patterns on the sky. This could be used to provide hints in the future.
- Reynold's algorithm optimized for performance mode, birds now render on performance mode.
- Added night starred background for the day night cycle.
v0.3.5-1-2 adds: zoom can be adjusted at any time with the right axis of a real gamepad.
v0.3.6 adds: normal maps and dynamic lighting to some platforms and walls.
v0.3.7 adds: Forth selectable character (for multiplayer mode)
v0.3.8 adds: New "cloth" entity.
Cloth entities are like "prop" entities: they are merely decorative, but they differ with props in that they are affected by specific shaders to simulate wind movement over light flexible materials.
The goal is to make the world more alive and animated.
One example of cloth can be found on level 1act2 at the top left of the level (a flag waving has been added with cloth properties).
v0.3.9 adds: Added normal maps to most platforms, traps and to some props.
Added movement to some trees leaves
v0.4.1 adds: Enemies spawn liberated animals when they die.
Animation when enemies dies added (they stretch and fade out).
Added liberated animal counter to the hud. Every enemy spawn 3 liberated animals and add them to the counter.
v0.4.2 adds: Story mode and intro dialogues
v0.4.2.2 adds: The Story mode has special task that need to be accomplished in order to progress: 1 / 3 of total animals per level needs to be liberated in order to progress through the story mode (portals will be unlocked only if required animals have been liberated).
Hud renders now required animals to unlock portals-
Added second splash screen.
Game title set to "untitled". Game name is not decided yet, boxclip is the name of the engine (not the game).
v0.4.2.3 adds: Pair of introduced issues corrected:
Music does not start after completing a level in story mode due to mistyping of a variable: solved
Counter of required animals to open portals in story mode resets after every level.
v0.4.3 adds: Game title (temporary tittle, it may change in the future)
New "boxclip" font (used in the title)
New physics (camera rotation affects gravity, this new physics will be used on bonus stage first)
- Bonus stage
- New story mode mechanic: colleting a number of gems unlock a bonus stage.
- New hud information: required liberated animals and gems are rendered below every character points and gems.
- New bonus stage music (Runaround by Yubatake https://opengameart.org/content/runaround CC-BY 4.0)
v0.4.3.2 adds:
Improved title graphics
New portals to bonus stages (activated after collecting a number of gems)
New radial menu to provide quick access to menus with a gamepad (current available options: enable FPG graph, Go to title menu, exit and toggle performance mode.
New HDR mode which extend the RGB values beyond 1 for the day-night cycle algorithm (which affects almost any entities during gameplay). This is an experimental feature and it currently crashes on sailfish (not usable on mobile).
Day night cycle (enabled by default) can now be toggled from graphics options.
Dynamic lights (enabled by default) can now be toggled from graphics options.
New bloom effect (experimental and disabled by default). It can be toggled from graphic options and works on sailfish, however it is not optimized and not production ready: it causes dramatic performance issues (makes the game almost unplayable due to low framerate). It is aimed at developers and betatesters.
v0.4.3.3 adds:
Music player: The whole soundtrack can now be played from the title menu.
New entities: Bridgesm doors, loops and switches added to the available entities for the engine.
New pick ups: Keys and special powerups (to be used in future mechanics).
New radial menu (only for gamepads which do not work on sailfish): A new radial menu added with which most graphic options can be toggled and compared in real time such as: bloom, day night cycle algorithm, dynamic lights, hdr mode and much more.
The new added features to the engine do not make any difference yet as no level has been designed to use them, but the features are added nevertheless and are here described for future reference.
v0.4.3.4 adds:
Game automatically pauses and turn volume down when not in focus (on call or minimized)
New game mechanichs: Combos. Hit several enemies on a short period of time and become extra points.
New slow motion effects (used when doing combos).
Touch controls can now be hidden from top swipe menu, title menu and radial menu at any time.
Game can be paused from top swipe menu (option says credits instead of pause, that will be corrected on future builds) and gamepad.
New help floating info can be toggled from gamepad (back button).
v0.4.3.5 adds:
Gallery menu to see some of the assets used in the game in high resolution.
v0.4.3.6 adds:
Language menu and menu / dialogs translations to the following languages:
German, spanish, french, italian, finnish, norwegian, danish, japanese, swedish, chinese and greek.
v0.4.4 adds:
Added hundreds of new assets including: platforms, props, pickups, enemies
Corrected input for the level editor (it was not functional before, now it works).
Added all the new assets and entities to the level editor: You can now create levels using all the new content.
Tip: Some of the new entities are still experimental and have not been properly tested which means some may make the game crash when you add them in the editor, please report critical bugs on codeberg so that they can get fixed.
Tip 2: To create levels on the mobile you still need a mouse and a keyboard connected to the phone.
v0.4.4.2 adds:
Added new ambient sounds (rain, autumn forest wind, snow-mountain wind and night animals sounds)
Improved weather particle effects and added new rain effect.
Themes, weather conditions and backgrounds can now be toggled from the level editor.
Added new intro frame for the story mode.
v0.4.4.3 adds:
Added new and improved backgrounds (they can be toggled and seen on the level editor).
Auto performance disabled by default (can now be toggled from the graphic options on the title menu)
v0.4.4.4 adds:
Added 6 new music tracks
Assigned different music tracks to each background based on theme (the music tracks can be hear on the level editor by switching background with the key "b").
v0.4.4.6 adds:
Underwater Stages:
Physics Tweaks:
Visual Fidelity:
Chromatic aberration effect added (enabled by default)
New Features:
Mine entity introduced, adding explosive fun to the game.
New "Underwater Ruins" levels featuring many of these new features and challenges.
v0.4.4.7 adds:
v0.4.5 adds:
- Caustics shaders (can be toggled from the graphics options in the title menu)
- Refactored and reorganized title menu
- Switch entities
- Underwater stage extended
Version 0.4.6 introduces:
Version 0.4.7 introduces the following updates:
Version 0.4.8:
Started integration with "Noobhub": a multiplayer and network messaging platform and multiplayer server compatible with multiple game engines, including CoronaSDK, Moai, Gideros, and LÖVE. The goal is to allow online multiplayer and chat inside the game.
version 0.4.9-1:
"This updated version resolves an issue with the background bird animation caused by incorrectly porting the math.atan2 function from Lua's older to newer implementation. As a result, the birds' angles were not accurately reflecting their direction. This has been corrected in this new release."
This project is open source, feel free to contribute by forking it from: https://codeberg.org/glitchapp/Spinny-the-runner
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version 0.4.9-1:
"This updated version resolves an issue with the background bird animation caused by incorrectly porting the math.atan2 function from Lua's older to newer implementation. As a result, the birds' angles were not accurately reflecting their direction. This has been corrected in this new release."
Mon, 2024/03/25 - 09:25
Can't add screenshot here (
Mon, 2024/03/25 - 09:30
the game has been submitted to obs for automatic building, have you tried any of the builds there and see if they work? here is the link. https://build.sailfishos.org/package/show/sailfishos:chum:testing/boxclip
If it still does not work feel free to contact me directly and share some screenshots / error and I will see if there's anything I can do.
Fri, 2024/03/15 - 15:39
Can't found installed game, blue screen.
Fri, 2024/03/15 - 16:15
Hi, thanks for the feedback, it would be helpful to know which löve builds you installed and your sailfish version. The screenshots are taken on sailfish 3.4 so all I can say is that it works on 3.4 with löve builds from chum repository. I'm not building löve itself so I have no control over incompatibilities with other sailfish version... I hope it helps.