TermSCP (aarch64)

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cli file transfer app. Supports SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3.

Launching with just 'termscp' opens a form to input remote info to connect to, or you can enter the info as an argument with the command , (e.g. 'termscp localhost', or 'termscp ftp://dlpuser@ftp.dlptest.com').

Won't launch in landscape for some reason, but works fine in landscape once launched, (although some of the layout looks funny... In general, keeping the terminal zoomed out makes the appearance better).

Not my work; I just built and packaged to share.

aarch64 version.

Official here - https://veeso.github.io/termscp/#menu

Application versions: 
File termscp-0.8.2-1.aarch64.rpm2.28 MB29/04/2022 - 00:29



edp17's picture

Can you please package it too for arm32?

spinfoam's picture

One note for those trying this software. Recent versions of OpenSSH have disabled ssh-rsa public key algorithm. This version of app still uses it by default so one needs to add the following to sshd config:


! WARNING !  This is not considered a safe solution.

spinfoam's picture

Really great, even with touchscreen keyboard (albeit on big phone) the operation is easy.

Is it possible to update it as suggested on the termscp github? Meaning the following:


termscp --update

Or it should be done through openrepos?

Thank you

Seven_of_nine's picture

Fantastic! Runs fine at Volla phone in po... - edit: landscape format with BT keyboard.Thank you so much!
But with the touchscreen keyboard i see no chance to work with it.
edit: Absolutely fantastic when operated via SSH from computer!