N9ish icons

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This is a hybrid icon pack with icons from fravacarros Evolve Plus Icon Pack and a pack by hpluslabels on XDA that are Nokia N9 Meego harmattan-like.

Apps that use the N9-ish style icons is listed here. (basically just the stock icons)

Read before installing

  • It requires Theme pack support to be installed.
  • UI Themer is not required but recommended.
  • Remember to restore default icons and fonts before performing a system upgrade.

Github source: https://github.com/speactra/harbour-themepack-n9ish


Note: I have not made any of the icons in this pack.

Application versions: 
File harbour-themepack-n9ish-0.0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm8.18 MB28/12/2018 - 17:21

- Added resized icons for stock jolla applications.
- Changed app icon


KeTbl4's picture

For sfos
4.5 plz!!

shinakuma's picture

This was nostalgic! Thanks

Akari's picture

Create atmosphere for this icons please :)

Vieno's picture

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just want my N9 back.

Historyscholar's picture

Very  beautifu .