ocNews for SailfishOS

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Not maintained anymore. Please use Fuoten.

Native SailfishOS client for the ownCloud News App. Synchronizes with your ownCloud server and can also be used offline (at least you can see all local available feed items and data, not the website content itself). Can manage feeds and folders on the ownCloud server (add, remove, move). User interface is inspired by the original Nokia N9 Feed Reader.

If you like it and want to support the development, a donation would be nice. :)


  • Add feeds and folders
  • Remove feeds and folders
  • Rename feeds (since 1.8.1) and folders
  • Move feeds to different folders
  • Mark items as read or unread
  • Mark items as favourite (star) or remove them from favourites (unstar)
  • Background synchronization (since 1.3.0)
  • Sorting of news items
  • Translated into Chinese (China), Danish, Dutch, English, French, Finnish (partly), Galician, German, Greek (partly), Italian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish
  • Choose between viewing folders or flat feeds in the main view (since 1.6.0
  • Optional cache content images for offline reading when updating (since 1.7.0)
  • Optional show article excerpts in list views (since 1.9.0)

Known issues

  • Password is saved unencrypted in a text file


Website: https://www.buschmann23.de/entwicklung/anwendungen/ocnews/
Sources: https://github.com/Buschtrommel/ocNews
Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/ocnews/
Twitter: @buschmann23
Bug tracker: https://github.com/Buschtrommel/ocNews/issues

Application versions: 
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.4.1-1.armv7hl.rpm179.22 KB17/01/2014 - 03:07
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.5.0-1.armv7hl.rpm181.2 KB20/01/2014 - 05:22
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.5.1-1.armv7hl.rpm182 KB21/01/2014 - 17:29
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.5.2-1.armv7hl.rpm189.22 KB24/01/2014 - 18:33
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.6.0-1.armv7hl.rpm265.27 KB29/01/2014 - 23:30
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.6.1-1.armv7hl.rpm268.63 KB31/01/2014 - 05:03
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.7.0-1.armv7hl.rpm299.48 KB13/02/2014 - 02:09
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.7.1-1.armv7hl.rpm286.67 KB18/02/2014 - 03:18
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.7.2-1.armv7hl.rpm286.99 KB19/02/2014 - 18:11
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.8.0-1.armv7hl.rpm292.8 KB08/03/2014 - 14:05
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.8.1-1.armv7hl.rpm317.52 KB03/05/2014 - 20:48
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.8.2-1.armv7hl.rpm392.54 KB13/05/2014 - 11:38
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.0-1.armv7hl.rpm489.26 KB30/06/2014 - 15:13
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.1-1.armv7hl.rpm482.82 KB02/07/2014 - 05:36
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.2-1.armv7hl.rpm485.42 KB02/07/2014 - 21:30
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.3-1.armv7hl.rpm491.24 KB13/11/2014 - 01:30
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.4-1.armv7hl.rpm538.09 KB17/11/2014 - 04:05
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.4-2.armv7hl.rpm570.33 KB08/01/2015 - 21:02
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.5-1.armv7hl.rpm576.39 KB26/05/2015 - 20:12
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.6-1.armv7hl.rpm598.74 KB28/09/2015 - 03:24
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.7-1.i486.rpm681.22 KB05/09/2016 - 23:15
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.7-1.armv7hl.rpm629.17 KB05/09/2016 - 23:15
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.8-1.i486.rpm686.3 KB13/09/2016 - 12:20
File harbour-ocnews-reader-1.9.8-1.armv7hl.rpm633.65 KB13/09/2016 - 12:20

Version 1.9.8

  • New: Swedish translation by Åke Engelbrektson
  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.7

  • Improved: Jolla Tablet enhancements by Heiko Bauke
  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.6

  • Improved: translation updates
  • Improved: small adoptions to changes in Sailfish OS
  • Fixed: removed escaped HTML entities in list titles

Version 1.9.5

  • New: optional direct opening in WebView or Browser
  • Fixed: crash on opening news item

Version 1.9.4-2

  • only rebuilt version 1.9.4 on current SDK

Version 1.9.4

  • New: implement QsLog to create log files
  • New: add application language chooser to settings
  • Improved: updating BTComponents (About page, Changelog, Contributors, etc.)
  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.3

  • New: partly Dutch (Netherlands) translation by Heimen Stoffels
  • Improved: SailfishOS Update 9 compatibility (issue #58)
  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.2

  • Fixed: also react on text changes when rescaling rich text, fixing issue #52
  • Fixed: fixing bugs in configuration system, should also fix issue #54

Version 1.9.1

  • Changed: show All Articles entry even when there are no unread items and hide feeds and folders is set to true
  • Changed: use threaded model population for normal itemsmodel, too
  • Fixed: fix return of NULL value in database query for total unread count (should fix issue #49)
  • Fixed: when scaling rich text, first calculate the scaling, then set the text, fixes issue #47
  • Fixed: add forgotten connections between items signal markedAllItemsReadSuccess to models, to fix not updated models
  • Fixed: use nemo-keepalive for reliable update interval, fixes issue #5

Version 1.9.0

  • New: optional show article excerpts in list views (issue #41)
  • New: optional notify about new items, also notify about errors on SailfishOS, notifications are now part of the background daemon (issue #38)
  • Changed: changelog layout
  • Changed: removed Martine Grimme's FancyScroller, using native scroller instead
  • Changed: simplified wording for some context menus in list views (issue #43)
  • Improved: code cleanups (issue #40)
  • Improved: data models (issue #44)
  • Fixed: local unread count was not updated after moving a feed (issue #46)

Version 1.8.2

  • Improved: about page design
  • Improved: donation currency chooser
  • Fixed: send user authentication directly in the request to adopt to latest News App changes, fixes issue #39

Version 1.8.1

  • New: option for hiding read feeds and folders (issue #37)
  • New: rename feeds
  • New: partly danish translation by flywheeldk
  • Improved: dim count bubble of feeds without unread entries when viewing a folder

Version 1.8.0

  • New: user selectable font size
  • New: navigate between previous and next item through pulley menus
  • New: navigate between items on cover
  • New: changelog page
  • Changed: change count bubble color according to item count
  • Changed: improve web view

Version 1.7.2

  • Fixed: reader crasehs when loading certain news (issue #31)
  • Changed: improved web preview of items (should load mobile site if available)

Version 1.7.1

  • New: add option to shut down engine together with reader app
  • New: translation updates
  • Changed: get image file type by magic bytes
  • Fixed: remoe css classes from item body HTML text (issue #31)
  • Fixed: listen and react to network access changes (issue #25)

Version 1.7.0

  • New: display and handle enclosures (attached files) (issue #28)
  • New: option to download and cache images at updating (issue #16)
  • New: dialog for opening links (issue #12)
  • Fixed: resize pictures on item view (taken from Martin Grimme’s Tidings RSS reader) (issue #11)
  • Fixed: search field was losing focus (issue #4)
  • Fixed: updateFinished signal was sent before stats got updated (issue #30)
  • Fixed: adding new feed from cover action did not activate busy state (issue #29)
  • Fixed: update label on cover page is not pulsing during refresh (issue #27)

Version 1.6.1

  • Fixed: all posts view not refreshed after complete sync update (issue #26)
  • Fixed: feed list view was not refreshed after complete sync update
  • Fixed: minor stuff in translations

Version 1.6.0

  • NEW: second mode for the main view, choose between folders or all feeds (issue #10)
  • NEW: the daemon is now reacting to network (only on Harmattan) and config changes (on both) (issue #17)
  • NEW: display last refresh date in pulley menu (issu #9)
  • NEW: translations for Spanish (by Mariano Flotron), Italian (by Lorenzo Facca) and Chinese(China) (by finalmix and gwmgdemj)
  • Changed: nicer contributors page (issue #18)
  • Changed: better indication for feeds and folders with no unread articles (issue #23)
  • Fixed: unread count on cover is not updated when the app is displayed (issue #13)
  • Fixed: if title contains an ampersand, the part after it was not shown (issue #22)
  • Fixed: on hiding virtual keyboard, docked sorting panel was shown shortly (issue #24)

Version 1.5.2

  • NEW: french translation by Antoine Vacher aka. tigre-bleu
  • NEW: contributors page
  • Changed: use a centralized property to indicate if an operaton is running

Version 1.5.1

  • NEW: add maintenance options (delete database, reset configuration)
  • Changed: check for non existing database tables on every daemon start

Version 1.5.0

  • NEW: it is now possible to set a default sort order for the feed item list, as well to decide how already read news items should be displayes (show, hide, show after unread)
  • Fixed: speed up marking all items read

Version 1.4.1

  • NEW: added Martin Grimmes FancyScroller from Tidings
  • Changed: Quit in main menu now shuts down reader and engine
  • Fixed: file permissions in Sailfish OS RPM
  • Fixed: open in browser button in item view push up menu is now working
  • Fixed: minor UI fixes
  • Fixed: busy indicator was running on already read posts in special list view

Version 1.4.0

  • initial port to Sailfish OS


x01's picture

Pls remove if not maintained

olf's picture


Termitebug's picture

Dark mode would be nice :)

Buschtrommel's picture

Hello, this app is not maintained anymore. :) Please use its successor Fuoten:


cvp's picture

Kannst du deine Apps für das Tablet tauglich machen? :)

Buschtrommel's picture

Heiko Bauke hat da einige Arbeit geleistet, die jetzt in Version 1.9.7 integriert ist. :)

etam's picture


Thanks for this great app.

Also I have a bug report for you.

I have this https://www.gamingonlinux.com/article_rss.php rss channel and when I try to read currently latest entry "The Wine Development Release 1.7.43 Is Now Available" ocNews crashes.

PS. Do you accept bitcoins?

Buschtrommel's picture


thanks for reporting this issue. I will take a look into it tomorrow. If you have a Github account, please report it there too: https://github.com/Buschtrommel/ocNews/issues , but if you don't have an account, you don't have to create one only fort that.

And no, I never used bitcoins. :) Till now, only PayPal.

Buschtrommel's picture

Ok, I did a short test and can reproduce the issue.

Ray_Ven's picture

OCNews seems to have problems with OC7 (well, OC7 was published tonight - I expected a few Problems)

It comes up with "Host requires authentication"

Let us know if you need logs or something



Buschtrommel's picture

Which version of the ownCloud News app are you using? There seems currently no official version available that supports ownCloud 7. (At least after upgrading my ownCloud instance to version 7, there is no News available in the apps manager).

Ray_Ven's picture

still using 2.002 - works with oc7, it was still available after upgrading

Buschtrommel's picture

Hmm. For me not. So I used a package from the stable 7 branch, as proposed here:

But I currently have an issue with installing it:


Ray_Ven's picture

probably just a user-rights issue - i've installed the stable 7 branch package which works aswell (can'T mark as read though).

Did you set permissions after moving files to owncloud? (ubuntu/apache usually uses www-data:www-data)

Buschtrommel's picture

Yes. I set them to the user used by openSUSE systems (wwwrun:www), like the rest of the ownCloud files. Also restarted apache several times.

Ray_Ven's picture

i've just overwritten things, maybe that did the trick. appframework is still available as an app as well. thought it would be integrated. maybe my oc hasnt been updated correctly

Ray_Ven's picture

Deleted news folder now and took the git version, which actually works better anyway. The Iphone app, which my girlfriend uses won't work as well...

Thank you for looking into it anyway

Buschtrommel's picture

I now changed to the current git version, too. And for me it works, also with ocNews.

Ray_Ven's picture

hmm, mine won't work. "host requires authentication" (same with iphone app)

(Git clone from today)

Ray_Ven's picture

still no success, has anyone some hints for me? I really miss my ocnews a lot!!!


Thanks in advance



Buschtrommel's picture

Have you tried a reinstallation of ownCloud? Maybe the problem occured, because you tried to use the installed News app when you upgraded your ownCloud instance. When I upgrade my ownCloud instance, I disabled all 3rd party apps and started then to use the git version.

Ray_Ven's picture

I've even purged and reinstalled the whole thing!

The errors seem to be: (didn't give them attention, because notes sync works, contact sync as well)

FatalindexSymfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Route "contacts_index" does not exist.2014-07-29T19:05:27+00:00FatalindexSymfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Route "notes.page.index" does not exist.2014-07-29T19:05:24+00:00FatalindexSymfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Route "news.page.index" does not exist.2014-07-29T19:05:19+00:00

Thank you for your quick reply though

Buschtrommel's picture

If you want, you can create a test account on your ownCloud instance for me and send me the login details to kontakt@buschmann23.de . I will then try to get some more information what happens internally in ocNews connecting to that instance.

Ray_Ven's picture

1.9 is really awesome!!!! Thank you very much!!!

Ray_Ven's picture

Really love ocnews! cannot be used with latest notesapp on serverside though. tried to reset config data but won't work. but buschtrommel seems to be a transparent and well organized coder. quite sure he'll fix this asap. Thank you for your versioninfo and sourcecode as well!
I'll donate today

Ray_Ven's picture

hmm, don't you take donations? Can't find a donate button anywhere...


.... found it on his homepage

Buschtrommel's picture

That's my homepage. That is the correct link. Thank you for it. :)

There should be also a link on the about page. :)

Next version will have a currency chooser there.

Buschtrommel's picture

If you are on Github, please head over to this issue:

Buschtrommel's picture

Hey, you are right. Now I realized that it does not work for me, too. Maybe it belongs to this:

I will try to solve this later today. Have now to watch how SC Paderborn will advance to 1. German Bundesliga... ;-)

Ray_Ven's picture

good luck then!!!

Owncloud news works on serverside. I've installed python-requests as it's mentioned in the dependencies.

Probably you'll have to look into this:
