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Digital clock display that can be used as bedside clock.
Touching the screen will bring up the settings page.



  • Swedish: Eson
  • Dutch: ade
  • Russian: Ancelad
  • Chinese: dashinfantry

Sources on github



Application versions: 
File harbour-displaytime-0.2-1.armv7hl.rpm103.65 KB07/09/2016 - 11:41
File harbour-displaytime-0.2-1.i486.rpm105.17 KB07/09/2016 - 11:41
File harbour-displaytime-0.3-0.armv7hl.rpm103.27 KB25/09/2017 - 23:09
File harbour-displaytime-0.3-0.i486.rpm104.8 KB25/09/2017 - 23:09
File harbour-displaytime-0.3-1.i486.rpm104.81 KB17/10/2017 - 21:57
File harbour-displaytime-0.3-1.armv7hl.rpm103.33 KB17/10/2017 - 21:57
File harbour-displaytime-0.4-1.armv7hl.rpm139.89 KB16/09/2019 - 15:22
File harbour-displaytime-0.4-1.i486.rpm141.47 KB16/09/2019 - 15:22
File harbour-displaytime-0.4-2.i486.rpm141.74 KB16/09/2019 - 18:31
File harbour-displaytime-0.4-2.armv7hl.rpm140.2 KB16/09/2019 - 18:31
File harbour-displaytime-0.4-2.aarch64.rpm141.51 KB15/05/2021 - 01:57
File harbour-displaytime-0.5-1.armv7hl.rpm141.42 KB17/11/2021 - 16:19
File harbour-displaytime-0.5-1.i486.rpm143.2 KB17/11/2021 - 16:19
File harbour-displaytime-0.5-1.aarch64.rpm142.48 KB17/11/2021 - 16:19

0.5-1 Added saijail (base) permissions

0.4-2 Added Chinese by dashinfantry

0.4-1 Decrease fontsize for 720p devices

0.3-1 Rotate cover to landscape on smaller devices


  • Fixed bug in settingspage
  • Fixed some potential 12h display issue
  • Take more resolutions into account

0.2-1 Removed minor backlight effect as it was too bright on the tablet screen

0.2-0 Added Russian translation

0.1-8 Harbourized, black line around color block

0.1-7 Swedish and Dutch translation added

0.1-6 Other placement of am/pm sign

0.1-5 Adapt to 24h or am/pm configuration

0.1-4 Custom display color possible / rotation animation

0.1-3 Changes now take immediate effect (no more restart needed)

0.1-2 Time display now only refreshed at exact minute change (was: every 5 seconds)

0.1-1 Adapted for other resolutions (tested on Nexus 7 v.2012)

0.1-0 initial release





levone1's picture

love this clock. Reminss me of my all-time favorite clock from my all-time favorite OS - Timepiece on WebOS... One great feature of Timepiece was a contrast adjustment, (time/background contrast). Just a little request...

ade's picture

As I mentioned in one of the first comments it is actually inspired by Bedside (N900 app).
About the contract adjustment: there is a text brightness option for the text. I also did a screen brightness/contrast suggestion a few comments back. Not really an in-app solution, but it also saves me manual adjustments.

glanternier's picture

Hello, are you maintaining the app in Jolla Harbour?

ade's picture

I sure am, see my recent comments in the harbour store.

mz_i_norge's picture

Could you please add an option to reduce the brightness of the display to the lowest level when the application starts end to reset the brightness to the last level when the application will be closed? I'm doing this manually every day..
Thanks in advance & regards

ade's picture

I also prefer a low brightness during the night. But I just manage the brightness via a scheduled nemo (cron) job. Could that be a solution for you?
For example:

# set brightness to 50% at 6:30 am:
30 6 * * * /usr/sbin/mcetool --set-display-brightness=50
# set brightness to lowest at 1:00 am:
00 1 * * * /usr/sbin/mcetool --set-display-brightness=1


mce-tools of course needs to be installed. You could also set powersave mode on or off (/usr/sbin/mcetool --set-forced-psm=enabled, has the same brightness effect).

For cron management there is a super handy tool available: https://openrepos.net/content/ade/sailcron ;-)

MasBowl's picture

Good app, butt on the N9 is the illumintion better and the power consumption.

ade's picture

Never had a N9, but as I inderstand it, it's specific display was better fitted for these kind of apps.

And I would advise to keep the power supply plugged connected during the night to not end up with a possible empty battery :-)

anasyntes's picture

Finally! I'm so greatful. I've missed my Bedside app for N9. Thanks a mill, mate!

ade's picture

I did create it because I was used to the Bedside app on my N900 :)