Aliendalvik Superuser binary

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For advanced users only. Common users can install Supseruser Aliendalvik bundle by following link: It contains both binary and apk for enabling and disabling superuser.


The su binary is what other apps call when they need superuser rights. The binary checks the database maintained by Superuser.apk to determine if you have already granted rights to the requesting app, and if not tells Superuser.apk to display a prompt asking you for permission.

Package have no application window and icon.

After installing su binary you need to install Android Superuser application and set Allow mode. Jolla Aliendalvik can't manage Android apps permissions.

Donations are welcome =)



Application versions: 
File aliendalvik-superuser-binary-0.0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm49.43 KB16/06/2014 - 11:26


akira_pwr's picture

I'm an Android user, is this file for use Android app who need su rights? Just like Android?

coderus's picture


akira_pwr's picture

I've just tried but I haven't gained su rights when opened the app, have I to enable it in some way?

coderus's picture

what app you tried?

akira_pwr's picture

I've tried Trickster Mod, but not for use it, only to see if I can gain Su rights. If you know an app who can gain Su rights, tell me please.

coderus's picture

You can't use such kind of applications with Jolla Aliendalvik, isn't it oblivious for you? Try Root Browser for example :)

akira_pwr's picture

I knew I couldn't use it, I only expected to see if I could gain SU rights, and I'm too curious to not to try it anyway :)

olf's picture

I successfully tested the "Aliendalvik Superuser binary" as part of "Aliendalvik Superuser" with aLogcatROOT, Preferences manager and F-Droid Privileged Extension (all from the app store) under SailfishOS v2.0.1.11 on an original JollaPhone.