Unit Converter [fork]

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Fork of the Unit Converter application for Sailfish OS.

This application allows user to convert values from one unit type to another.

Supported unit categories:
Acceleration, angle, area, currency, data storage, data transfer, density, energy and work, flow, force, frequency, fuel consumption, length, magnetic field strength, magnetic flux density, mass, numbers, power, pressure, speed, temperature, time, torque and volume. Additional ruler.

Translations are only partial because values are used as reference in the code.

Sources on github



Application versions: 
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-1.aarch64.rpm375.19 KB17/11/2021 - 18:31
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-1.i486.rpm402.04 KB17/11/2021 - 18:31
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-1.armv7hl.rpm371.37 KB17/11/2021 - 18:31
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-2.aarch64.rpm374.97 KB19/11/2021 - 01:36
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-2.i486.rpm401.42 KB19/11/2021 - 01:36
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-2.armv7hl.rpm371.34 KB19/11/2021 - 01:36
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-3.aarch64.rpm375.1 KB09/12/2021 - 01:17
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-3.i486.rpm401.42 KB09/12/2021 - 01:17
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-3.armv7hl.rpm371.99 KB09/12/2021 - 01:17
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-4.aarch64.rpm374.9 KB09/12/2021 - 17:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-4.i486.rpm400.95 KB09/12/2021 - 17:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-4.armv7hl.rpm371.91 KB09/12/2021 - 17:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-5.aarch64.rpm375.04 KB29/12/2021 - 17:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-5.i486.rpm401.53 KB29/12/2021 - 17:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-5.armv7hl.rpm371.5 KB29/12/2021 - 17:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-6.aarch64.rpm370.86 KB28/01/2023 - 19:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-6.i486.rpm396.02 KB28/01/2023 - 19:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-6.armv7hl.rpm365.64 KB28/01/2023 - 19:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.24-1.armv7hl.rpm366.93 KB04/03/2023 - 16:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.24-1.i486.rpm398.77 KB04/03/2023 - 16:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.24-1.aarch64.rpm372.82 KB04/03/2023 - 16:51
  • 2-24.1 Added US pint and UK imperial pint to volume
  • 2-23.6 Redraw ruler after losing focus to prevent empty page
  • 2-23.5 Correctly vertically align icon and category name on mainpage
  • 2-23.4 Decrease space between items in categories
  • 2-23.3 Fixed reading scientific display config setting, final attempt
  • 2-23.2 Fixed reading scientific display config setting
  • 2-23.1 Sailjail compliant (internet access)
  • 2-22.2 Fixed bug where edit of favorite would reset current values
  • 2-22.1
    • Actually save horizontal and vertical visibility preference of ruler
    • Fix ruler line length on larger devices when only vertical lines are shown
  • 2-21.1 Added option for choosing ruler scaling (cm vs inch)
  • 2-20.1
    • Dynamically scale ruler based on physical dots per inch
    • Small translation updates
  • 2-19.1
    • Added Data Transfer rate conversion
    • Slightly larger distance indicator on ruler for bigger screens
  • 2-18.5 Fixed ruler for Xperia XA2 plus sizing
  • 2-18.4
    • Updated Chinese translation
    • Various fixes in inch conversion
  • 2-18.3 Updated French, added Chinese
  • 2-18.2
    • Reposition Quick Search help page to top
    • Updated Swedish translation
  • 2-18.1
    • Fixed deprecated contextMenu in favorites page
    • Show message banner after update of currencies
    • Created page for Quick Search help
  • 2-17.3 Fixed colors for light ambiences
  • 2-17.2 Fixed currency request issue
  • 2-17.1
    • Updated Russian and French
    • More legible app icon by Dikonov
    • Arrow changed in favorites page
  • 2-16.1 additional cm numbers in ruler for non jolla 1 devices
  • 2-15.1 Added Swedish and Russian translation
  • 2-14.1 Fixed ruler for Jolla tablet screen
  • 2-13.1
    • Sort currencies alphabetically
    • French grammar fixes by objectifnul
  • 2-12.1
    • Switched to IEC binary prefixes (kibi, mebi, gibi, etc.) in Data Storage
    • French translation fixes by lutinotmalin
  • 2-11.1 Basic French translation by lutinotmalin (and Dutch by ade)
  • 2-10.1 Added Iceland Krona to currency list, which also fixes wrong currency rates
  • 2-9.1 Fix in Power conversion
  • 2-8.1
    • Support both dot and comma as decimal sign
    • Updated reference to gitub page in about page
  • 2-7.1
    • Added imperial gallon (uk) to fuel consumption and volume
    • Option to switch between scientific and normal number notation
    • ft/s2knot fix and more precision for some rates
  • 2-6.1
    • Redesign of coverpage
    • Don't force decimal comma, as numeric keypad may have decimal dot
  • 2-5.1
    • Coverpage now displays first two convert results
    • Small changes in options page
  • 2-4.1
    • Fixed javascript issue so it starts on more recent Sailfish OS versions
    • Incorporated Top-Ranger's pull request https://github.com/MikeL83/Unit-Converter/pull/3 for optional caching of currency rates
    • Fixed ruler for 1080 (HD) resolution
    • Some additional resolution fixes and more Sailish gui elements


PamNor's picture

Is it possible too add UK pint i section volume.
Thanks in advance

ade's picture

It's possible and will add it.
Bear in mind that adding more items to convert is not that complicated, but it is a lot of work. So if people want to add some exotic unit in the future, have a look the git commits for the howto and create a merge request yourself.

flanker's picture

I wrote this to original version.

So I will repeat it here, too.

I is very usefull app.

I have several subjective suggestions, by my opinion.

1. Can you make line spacing between main categories little more thinner. I think there are quite huge gaps now.

2. Can be postions of main categories arrangeble. Now it has only alfabetical order. For me it will be great to have ability to move myself the most used categories on top.

3. Can rulers have calibrating options?

ade's picture

1. Can you make line spacing between main categories little more thinner. I think there are quite huge gaps now.
-> I do agree with you on this, changed in 2.23-4.

2. Can be postions of main categories arrangeble. Now it has only alfabetical order. For me it will be great to have ability to move myself the most used categories on top.
-> No plans to make changes for this. Besides, now the list is more compact is easier to scroll to your category.

3. Can rulers have calibrating options?
-> Why? I already made changes so it should scale correctly for every device.

flanker's picture

Thanks for quick reaction. Space between lines are now fine.

Anyway, on my XA2 I measured about 1mm deviation on length 100mm. It is too much for me ( :-) ). For that I wanted calibration ...

superoxyde's picture

Hi Ade,
Is it ok to ask if it's possible to add United Arab Emirtates dirham (code AED) in the list of currencies?
Thanks in advance

ade's picture

Sorry, the conversions are limited to the currencies found on https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml

rob_k's picture

Hi ade, I was just browsing through the conversions I never use, and found Storage. Are the correct units in place? My list, in English, shows kibibit, gibibit, mebibit, etc.

ade's picture

Cool, right? They where introduced in 2-12.1 as you can see in the releasenotes :-)

You think they should not be placed under Data Storage? Or you are not familiar with those terms?

usernamenotavailable's picture

I have a suggestion: add text input into the favorites section. This would be a lot more productive than trying to search through the categories. And for some reason when editing the favorites section it resets to the acceleration unit converter.

ade's picture

The reset of the favorites values in case of an update should be fixed in 2.22.2.
I do not really see the need for a search. It has the same logical top down approach as the main page which also lacks a search. And yes, the main page has a very clunky Quick Search option with a limited purpose and its own help page for people to understand it.

objectifnul's picture

How do I display the ruler in inches instead of cm?

ade's picture

I didn't know Belgium switched to Imperial units :-)

But there is an option for that now in the Options menu.

objectifnul's picture

Thanks a lot! That IS why I love Openrepos.

TMavica's picture

64 bit package pls

arustg's picture

Not enough percent converter.

ade's picture

I'm afraid I can't make any sense out of this remark.

darbess's picture

Thanks for the app. Working good. Currencies update without problems. I am using it on an Xperia X10plus and the ruler measures 1cm what is really less than 6mm (in both directions). A calibration option would make it good for all devices. Also, the ticks on the long side do not reach the far edge, and their numbering stops even earlier. Another problem is that the ruler's yellow background disappears with focus and to make it reappear one has to go back to the main page and reselect ruler on the pulley menu. But all in all, great app, thanks for it!

ade's picture

I know about the background disappearing when the app loses focus. It looks like some weird SailfishOS bug to me, I can't explain it right now.
The ruler scaling was very hacky, making guesses about the PPI based on the resolution. But I just found out how to get the dots per inch on a device, so the scaling should be okay now on all devices running SailfishOS, no matter the size or PPI.

darbess's picture

Yes, scaling is perfect now! A very big thank you!

rob_k's picture

Great, thanks!

rob_k's picture

I just noticed: Conversion Length, type 36 inches, and get 9.665e-17 meters (same as lightyears)

Great app nevertheless!

ade's picture

I will look into that later, thanks for reporting.

Edit: serveral bugs in inch conversion should we fixed in 2.18.4

objectifnul's picture

Currency update failure: "Error while downloading xml"

ade's picture

Like I said, it work fine on my Jolla 1, Xperia X, Xperia XA2 and Jolla Tablet.

But for some reason, it does not work for everyone, see also https://github.com/a-dekker/Unit-Converter/issues/11

I have not been able to find the cause of why it does not work for some people.

objectifnul's picture

OK, I guess I lack a required certificate (only 3 Entrust TLS instead of 4). No idea how to get the missing one as openrepos-certificatemanager is deprecated. (Xperia X & Jolla 1)

Ahti30708's picture

The second answer (Another less destructive...) fixes this and 2miich (Finnish ice hockey league from the Store). For me one of five Sailfish phones had the problem.

On my Jolla the RPM was downloaded to /home/.zypp-cache/... and the current version is 2018.2.24

objectifnul's picture

Currencies are no longer updated.

ade's picture

Works fine here, just got my update.

Historyscholar's picture

On my Xa2 plus,I don't  see Chinese  translation .It is still  English on my screen .
