Unit Converter [fork]

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Fork of the Unit Converter application for Sailfish OS.

This application allows user to convert values from one unit type to another.

Supported unit categories:
Acceleration, angle, area, currency, data storage, data transfer, density, energy and work, flow, force, frequency, fuel consumption, length, magnetic field strength, magnetic flux density, mass, numbers, power, pressure, speed, temperature, time, torque and volume. Additional ruler.

Translations are only partial because values are used as reference in the code.

Sources on github



Application versions: 
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-1.aarch64.rpm375.19 KB17/11/2021 - 18:31
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-1.i486.rpm402.04 KB17/11/2021 - 18:31
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-1.armv7hl.rpm371.37 KB17/11/2021 - 18:31
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-2.aarch64.rpm374.97 KB19/11/2021 - 01:36
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-2.i486.rpm401.42 KB19/11/2021 - 01:36
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-2.armv7hl.rpm371.34 KB19/11/2021 - 01:36
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-3.aarch64.rpm375.1 KB09/12/2021 - 01:17
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-3.i486.rpm401.42 KB09/12/2021 - 01:17
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-3.armv7hl.rpm371.99 KB09/12/2021 - 01:17
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-4.aarch64.rpm374.9 KB09/12/2021 - 17:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-4.i486.rpm400.95 KB09/12/2021 - 17:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-4.armv7hl.rpm371.91 KB09/12/2021 - 17:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-5.aarch64.rpm375.04 KB29/12/2021 - 17:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-5.i486.rpm401.53 KB29/12/2021 - 17:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-5.armv7hl.rpm371.5 KB29/12/2021 - 17:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-6.aarch64.rpm370.86 KB28/01/2023 - 19:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-6.i486.rpm396.02 KB28/01/2023 - 19:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.23-6.armv7hl.rpm365.64 KB28/01/2023 - 19:01
File harbour-unitconverter-2.24-1.armv7hl.rpm366.93 KB04/03/2023 - 16:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.24-1.i486.rpm398.77 KB04/03/2023 - 16:51
File harbour-unitconverter-2.24-1.aarch64.rpm372.82 KB04/03/2023 - 16:51
  • 2-24.1 Added US pint and UK imperial pint to volume
  • 2-23.6 Redraw ruler after losing focus to prevent empty page
  • 2-23.5 Correctly vertically align icon and category name on mainpage
  • 2-23.4 Decrease space between items in categories
  • 2-23.3 Fixed reading scientific display config setting, final attempt
  • 2-23.2 Fixed reading scientific display config setting
  • 2-23.1 Sailjail compliant (internet access)
  • 2-22.2 Fixed bug where edit of favorite would reset current values
  • 2-22.1
    • Actually save horizontal and vertical visibility preference of ruler
    • Fix ruler line length on larger devices when only vertical lines are shown
  • 2-21.1 Added option for choosing ruler scaling (cm vs inch)
  • 2-20.1
    • Dynamically scale ruler based on physical dots per inch
    • Small translation updates
  • 2-19.1
    • Added Data Transfer rate conversion
    • Slightly larger distance indicator on ruler for bigger screens
  • 2-18.5 Fixed ruler for Xperia XA2 plus sizing
  • 2-18.4
    • Updated Chinese translation
    • Various fixes in inch conversion
  • 2-18.3 Updated French, added Chinese
  • 2-18.2
    • Reposition Quick Search help page to top
    • Updated Swedish translation
  • 2-18.1
    • Fixed deprecated contextMenu in favorites page
    • Show message banner after update of currencies
    • Created page for Quick Search help
  • 2-17.3 Fixed colors for light ambiences
  • 2-17.2 Fixed currency request issue
  • 2-17.1
    • Updated Russian and French
    • More legible app icon by Dikonov
    • Arrow changed in favorites page
  • 2-16.1 additional cm numbers in ruler for non jolla 1 devices
  • 2-15.1 Added Swedish and Russian translation
  • 2-14.1 Fixed ruler for Jolla tablet screen
  • 2-13.1
    • Sort currencies alphabetically
    • French grammar fixes by objectifnul
  • 2-12.1
    • Switched to IEC binary prefixes (kibi, mebi, gibi, etc.) in Data Storage
    • French translation fixes by lutinotmalin
  • 2-11.1 Basic French translation by lutinotmalin (and Dutch by ade)
  • 2-10.1 Added Iceland Krona to currency list, which also fixes wrong currency rates
  • 2-9.1 Fix in Power conversion
  • 2-8.1
    • Support both dot and comma as decimal sign
    • Updated reference to gitub page in about page
  • 2-7.1
    • Added imperial gallon (uk) to fuel consumption and volume
    • Option to switch between scientific and normal number notation
    • ft/s2knot fix and more precision for some rates
  • 2-6.1
    • Redesign of coverpage
    • Don't force decimal comma, as numeric keypad may have decimal dot
  • 2-5.1
    • Coverpage now displays first two convert results
    • Small changes in options page
  • 2-4.1
    • Fixed javascript issue so it starts on more recent Sailfish OS versions
    • Incorporated Top-Ranger's pull request https://github.com/MikeL83/Unit-Converter/pull/3 for optional caching of currency rates
    • Fixed ruler for 1080 (HD) resolution
    • Some additional resolution fixes and more Sailish gui elements


ade's picture

It seems you have Chinese language issues with a lot of apps.

Try selecting a different variation of Chinese in the settings menu, and see if it helps.

murfik's picture

pls compile .ts translations, because half app translated on russia, but .ts have all translations

ade's picture
Desmo's picture

Great app that comes in useful on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the currency converter has stopped working. When I put in an amount, "nan" shows up in the other currency values.

ade's picture

Yes, confirmed. Will look at it this weekend.

edit: already fixed

sdiconov's picture

On Jolla C the scale of the ruler is distorted. The lines are nowhere near real mm because of the physical screen size (probably). The Jolla C screen is 110x62 mm.

Please, make it easier to change the value in the Favourites. It could function like the regular conversion screens without a special "Edit" command.

ade's picture

The ruler is only fitted for Jolla 1 and Xperia screen sizes. For the tablet it's already harder because of a different screen ratio. I will have another look at it.
But no plans to work on the favourites part at the moment.

olf's picture

Thank you so much @ade for taking care of Unit Converter and making it even better!

sdiconov's picture

Could someone tell (give a relevant tutorial link) how to translate this app? I can make a Russian translation.

ade's picture

As mentioned in the description: "Translations are only partial because values are used as reference in the code.".
Maybe it could be made fully translatable, but that would require more that a little rework.
For now it is partially translated to Dutch and French. You could download https://github.com/a-dekker/Unit-Converter/blob/master/translations/harb... and open it in Qt Linguist 5. Then you can choose your destination language and translate the translatable strings.

sdiconov's picture

Russian translation uploaded. 

ade's picture

Uploaded to where?

sdiconov's picture

Oops, stupid github interface. I did not want to fork the repo, just propose this file.


The icons may need a facelift to look as a good set together.

sdiconov's picture

Unlike the Jolla store version this fork actually runs in SFOS! However it needs a lot of work at currency conversion. The list of currencies is long and unmanageable while being incomplete.
Here is a list of suggestions:
1 order the list of currencies alphabetically
2 add missing currencies, e.g Byelorussian rouble BYN.
3 fix favourites by allowing to enter a value to convert between bookmarked units AND allow to reverse the pairs.

ade's picture

Ad 1)
I will see how easy it is to sort the currencies alphabetically. I agree it would make searching easier.
Ad 2)
The currency info is from http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml, so we are kind of limited to what they provide. Byelorussian rouble BYN is not part of that at the moment.
Ad 3)
"Fix" sounds like broken. This looks like a "nice to have". You can always swap the values yourself of course.

objectifnul's picture

About revised French localisation (currency menu): «Nonation des nombres» should be «Notation des nombres», and «Intervalle désirée» should be «Intervalle désiré»

ade's picture

I left a message for lutinotmalin about this.

Qleg's picture

@ade, thanks for useful app. Converter works fine on Xperia_X, but I can't  launch him on X_Compact :-(

ade's picture

That is kind of unexpected. Can you type/start "harbour-unitconverter" from terminal and tell me what the output is?

Qleg's picture

Yes. It works. But how attach/send screenshot of terminal?

Pelzlurch's picture


renzoarm's picture

Thanks for the update

renzoarm's picture

In the power section, the boiler horsepower and the British termal unit per hour, are swapped in the title ( but correct in the unit)

ade's picture

Thanks for reporting, as far as I can tell it should be correct in the new release.

ABreen's picture

Thank you for adding Imperial Gallons. Your response was very quick.

objectifnul's picture

Currently (v2.7-1), the comma of my (French) keyboard has a weird behavior: it erases the entry field. So I have to make a copy-paste from an other app (e.g. notes).

ade's picture

It turned out to be not that hard, as Qt.locale().decimalPoint can tell what sign is used. B.t.w. it does not work if you start the app from the command prompt.
So 2.8-1 should now support both comma and dot.

ade's picture

If I can find the energy I might switch to French for a while and to some further testing :-)

objectifnul's picture

v2.8-1 is just perfect. Thanks!

objectifnul's picture

Would it be difficult to make this app compatible with non-English numeric keyboards (with a comma instead of decimal dot)?
