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The new podQast player in the Forbidden Fruits variant: All that cannot be done with harbour possibilities and bleeding edge stuff - probably not working...

With 2.70 all development stuff can be found here which will then be released in harbour.

Version sheme:


develorrelase odd: Develop release (2.70-0), even Harbour release (2.60-0)



Application versions: 
File harbour-podqast-1.7-0ff.noarch.rpm434.16 KB24/11/2018 - 16:15
File harbour-podqast-1.8-0ff.noarch.rpm435.75 KB04/12/2018 - 23:46
File harbour-podqast-1.9-0ff.noarch.rpm436.23 KB08/12/2018 - 17:53
File harbour-podqast-1.11-0ff.noarch.rpm606.76 KB28/12/2018 - 00:38
File harbour-podqast-1.12-0ff.noarch.rpm607.96 KB29/12/2018 - 15:09
File harbour-podqast-2.0-0ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB20/01/2019 - 00:57
File harbour-podqast-2.1-1ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB24/01/2019 - 21:09
File harbour-podqast-2.2-0ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB03/02/2019 - 21:48
File harbour-podqast-2.3-0ff.noarch.rpm1.34 MB23/02/2019 - 22:45
File harbour-podqast-2.4-0ff.noarch.rpm1.26 MB20/07/2019 - 18:31
File harbour-podqast-2.5-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB22/07/2019 - 15:43
File harbour-podqast-2.6-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB15/08/2019 - 13:13
File harbour-podqast-2.7-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB10/11/2019 - 23:35
File harbour-podqast-2.9-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB28/04/2020 - 20:51
File harbour-podqast-2.10-0ff.noarch.rpm1.2 MB05/05/2020 - 16:29
File harbour-podqast-2.11-0ff.noarch.rpm1.2 MB06/05/2020 - 19:00
File harbour-podqast-2.12-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB08/05/2020 - 10:58
File harbour-podqast-2.13-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB11/07/2020 - 23:07
File harbour-podqast-2.14-0ff.noarch.rpm1.21 MB12/07/2020 - 20:23
File harbour-podqast-2.17-0.noarch.rpm966.21 KB04/02/2021 - 22:54
File harbour-podqast-2.17-1ff.noarch.rpm966.96 KB04/02/2021 - 23:56
File harbour-podqast-2.18-0ff.noarch.rpm966.96 KB06/02/2021 - 00:36
File harbour-podqast-2.20-0ff.noarch.rpm1.32 MB01/04/2021 - 22:33
File harbour-podqast-2.21-0ff.noarch.rpm1.32 MB04/04/2021 - 14:59
File harbour-podqast-2.23-0ff.noarch.rpm1.29 MB13/11/2021 - 15:33
File harbour-podqast-2.70-0.noarch.rpm1.3 MB27/11/2022 - 16:45
File harbour-podqast-2.71-0.noarch.rpm1.39 MB30/01/2023 - 13:35

Version 2.71-0

- disable Sandbox

Version 2.70-0

- Episode images

Version 2.23-0ff

- new tutorial
- switching over to downloaded file when streaming
- streaming indicator
- episode search in podcast view
- option to disable autoplay next in queue
- feed pagination support
- has been played marker
- event log
- several bugfixes and hopefully not to many new bugs

Version 2.21-0ff

- migration fixes #40

Version 2.20-0ff

- move to sql based data model (speed up) thanks to thigg

Version 2.18-0ff

- Small correction for backward compatibility

Version 2.17-1ff

- new context menus for SFOS 4.0

Version 2.14-0ff

- sv translation update

Version 2.13-0ff

- Chapter selection thanks to Lukas J. See https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/-/merge_requests/34

Version 2.12-0ff

- Fixing translations

Version 2.11-0ff

- fix wizzard (thanks to Lauri Kopo)

Version 2.10-0ff
- fix race condition if external directory does not exist.

Version 2.9-0ff

- fyyd.de search engine

Version 2.7-0ff

- Chinese translations by dashinfantry
- Correct update when on mobile

Version 2.6-0ff

- French translations, thanks to Luis Turpinat

Version 2.5-0ff

- Merge !25 - Use regex replace for podtrack circumvention

Version 2.4-0ff

- SFOS 3.1.0 icon fixing
- some pyhon tuning

Version 2.3-0ff

- Discover by URL with better edit handling
- More descriptive "Auto post limit reached"

Version 2.2-0ff

- usage tuning (same icon for archiving like history, set sleep timer more visible)
- changes in internal data structure
- bug fixes
Version 2.1-1ff

- Sleep timer: Never sleep your playlist empty again!
- Global sleep time in preferences
- Start/Stop sleep timer in player drop down
- Long pressing sleep timer icon resets to default time
- Possibility to direct archive posts in posts list

Version 2.0-0ff

- Side loading - put files into Music/podqast/external (needs opt-in in preferences)
- better handling in moving items in playlist
- many bug fixes

Version 1.12-0ff

- preferences: keep favorites downloaded
- preferences: allow to change the refresh time
- favorites symlinks in ~/podqast/favorites when downloaded

Version 1.11-0ff

- minor bugfix in library list elements

Version 1.10-0ff

- general bug fixes
- tuned library page (full scrolling)
- fix hanging podcasts refresh - if a podcast refresh fails

Version 1.9-0ff

- rudimentary bluetooth support (not all devices working)
- first help pages

Version 1.8-0ff

- work around for not well formed enclosures
- work around for bozo=1 invalid character set
- opml export

Version 1.7-0ff

- Fixing tumblr tweets (thanks to @flesser)
- File picker for OPML import
- Preferences: flag to enable experimental features
- Experimental: Backup - no restore by now (see tmo podqast thread...)

Version 1.6-0ff

- Indexing for inbox
- cosmetics

All changes:

https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/commits/ff (forbidden fruits)

https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/commits/master (harbour)


marxistavegana's picture

One feature i am curious about is using the button on wired headphones to pause is that one that is possible? Fyi absolutely love the app! Thanks for addressing features and functions.

cy8aer's picture

This is already implemented but works only on selected phones (with old bluetooth stack aka Jolla1). Unfortunately Jolla does not support this feature by now. Let's see if there will be real support for it in future

marxistavegana's picture

Just to clarify I am not referring to BT headphones, but a wired set. Currently on the Sailfish X it does work with the multimedia player, but not with podqast.

cy8aer's picture

Except all multimedia apps like Talefish, gpodder (wish)...

mase's picture

I mean, no other person is usng it. I don't read many issues about that. It seems, that there are no bt headsets, speakers or car stereos out there, or it is less important.

mase's picture

Too bad. No bt control possible on my Xperia X. Pause when disconnecting bt is the only thing, that works.

cy8aer's picture

That is the same with the JollaC. I guess you do not have bt functionality with talefish too (it uses the same functionality - no: podqast uses the same funcitonality like talefish). This is because of a newer bt version. The lib cannot connect to newer bt apis :-(

mase's picture

The only bt controllable player is the built in mediaplayer.

I don't understand Jolla, why they prevent bt controls for 3rd party apps.

It seems, that nobody else is using bt audio and controls.

marxistavegana's picture

Great Work in the 1.11, the fixes greatly improved my experience and really love this!

One question is there a setting on how and when to check updates to the feeds? If not what is the freuquency set at? I noticed from time to time it checks, but was not clear on when and how frequent.

Again great work!

cy8aer's picture

It is a already created parameter which has no configuration element in preferences yet. It is set to 1 hour. The last refresh is also saved. If the last saved parameter > this 1 hour after app restart the refresh is also triggered.

I wrangle on how to use the qml timepicker element. Most apps therefor create a dialog but I already am in the dialog. Better would be to show the time in a label and clicking on it the timepicker is opened (fills up the space between the label and the next element). Again: stand by...

Or: a slider? [Update] Slider is the fastest method to get it run (in the next version)

cy8aer's picture

1.12-0ff does have a slider in preferences

marxistavegana's picture

Seems to be an issue with a number, if not all, auto update all rss feeds for npr.org, at least https://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510318 i can manually update them but not with the update all feature in Library

cy8aer's picture

Several problems: https - creates on the sailfish libraries an ssl.CertificateError. http works.

But the parsing of the icon does not work (?-parameter in url) - fixed in the next version.

Nevertheless: What happens with a clean setup with the next 1.10-xx release then: https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/wikis/help-goingwrong

marxistavegana's picture

Thanks for the quick reply, I did not see the debugging tools, my bad. Looking forward to the next update!


Historyscholar's picture

Dose It have Transifex page?

cy8aer's picture

No but feel free to fork it at https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast and build a ts file for your language.

carlosgonz's picture


cy8aer's picture

again? Sorry, that is a problem with the openrepos interface. Stand by...

hm this should be shown:



https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/commits/ff (forbidden fruits)

https://gitlab.com/cy8aer/podqast/commits/master (harbour)


carlosgonz's picture


qeef's picture

Hi, just question - is it (if so, how) possible to download all the subscribed podcasts? Thanks :)

cy8aer's picture

Not now, but opml export is on my queue.

tanghus's picture

Hi there,

Until then, do you save the links to the podcasts somewhere in a database or something? I couldn't find anything in .config or .local.

I'm moving to a new phone, and have a *lot* of podcasts that I will need to find again, so dabbling with a db would be far easier than chasing those down again :)

cy8aer's picture

you can export opml (podcasts only. Via Discover -> Export...). If you change from PodQast -> PodQast you can do a backup (podcasts and logic. Preferences: experimental, Discover -> Export...) and untar it on your new machine into a directory /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-podqast (needs to be created on an empty machine)

hm, old thread: opml is implemented...

blizzz's picture

Could not reproduce on the sdk with a fresh start, unfortunately. I moved the store folder now and reimported the podqasts. Works for me again.

cy8aer's picture

Yes, this is the recovery way by now. But I am thinking of a backup mechanism to tarball by hand or automatically to not lose everything... Sorry about your data loss.

blizzz's picture

Uhm, with the last change, it seems podqast stumbles over the problematic Sternengeschichten. Does not list any podcast nor is able to complete updating.

cy8aer's picture

Now you have me: we have a situation of data loss. Remove /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-podcast and (sorry about that) make things new. For backup purposes: make tarballs/copies of .local/share/harbour-podcast for future recoveries. And now: I wait for beats...

(Thinking on backup/recovery process...)

rrunner64's picture

Here is a problematic feed where PodQast does not see any episodes: http://www.e-formel.de/files/casts/ePod.xml
More about this podcast you can find at https://www.e-formel.de/podcast.html

cy8aer's picture

Two guys made an error: the e-formel one created a wrong alternatives part in feed, the other (me) interpreted this buggy part without thinking. Feed will work in next release.

cy8aer's picture

Stand by - I am looking for it.

I must say: crazy statesituation. Takes some time to fix...
