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OKBoard (a.k.a. Magic Keyboard) is a gesture based keyboard that allow single stroke typing. Usage is explained in this video. English, French and Dutch are supported without the need for additional packages, other language resources are available in separate packages, e.g. for Swedish (okb-lang-sv). It currently works on Jolla phone, Xperia X / XA2 / 10 / 10 plus. Larger phones (such as XA2 plus/ultra & Fxtec Pro1) may be supported in a later release.

Do not use other third party keyboards at the same time (unless they are just simple layouts for new languages).

Source code: http://git.tuxfamily.org/okboard/okb-engine.git/ and http://git.tuxfamily.org/okboard/okb-keyboard.git/. Instructions for adding new languages are included in README.md files (latin alphabet only at the moment).

If you get an error message about missing dependencies (dbus-python, patch ...) when installing, just run "pkcon refresh" as root and try again. Also some issues may be solved by uninstalling and reinstalling.

OKBoard tends to break for each new Sailfish release, so if possible, wait for other users reports before upgrading to a new OS version.



Application versions: 
File okboard-full-0.6.27-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB13/05/2021 - 13:47
File okboard-full-0.6.34-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB29/09/2021 - 20:00
File okboard-full-0.6.34-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB29/09/2021 - 20:00
File okboard-full-0.6.35-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB18/09/2022 - 14:33
File okboard-full-0.6.35-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB18/09/2022 - 14:33
File okboard-full-0.6.37-1.aarch64.rpm10.51 MB05/02/2023 - 14:36
File okboard-full-0.6.37-1.armv7hl.rpm10.5 MB05/02/2023 - 14:36

0.6.37 : Support for SFOS 4.5

0.6.35 : Disable Sailjail to allow admin app to start on SFOS 4.4

0.6.34: Fix for "Installation not complete" error

0.6.27: Support for SFOS 4.1


eber42's picture

It works for me with official on Xperia X.
Please could you run:
killall maliit-server ; maliit-server 2>&1 | tee /tmp/okboard.log
and send me the okboard.log file
(I can't add error management for this part as maliit-server is managed by the OS)

Maybe that is the old bug that require a uninstall/reinstall of Okboard (unfortunately this one will not be fixed until I can reproduce it or gain physical access to a device with the issue)

ferlanero's picture

Hi! I just have uninstalled and deleted all files related with OKBoard and then reinstalled it from scratch and the app works again as intended. I can't send you any log because I already have reinstalled it before reading your comment.

cvp's picture

Jap, i uninstall okboard + german pack, and reibstall it. After then it works. Can confirm that. Thanks for the update :)

eber42's picture

I have found it there, but unfortunately the link seem broken and it was a SFOS 1 ambiance only anyway.
(Are you making fun of me ?)

claustn's picture

Is it possible to add custom "words"? With the original Swype keyboard (like on N9) I could insert easily simbols like ! ? and even simple smiles like :) swyping on the part of keyboard which has those symbols behind.

eber42's picture

You can already add words if they are composed of letters (just type them once) and you'll be able to swipe them a couple of minutes later.

If you want to add words with other symbols, you could add a word in the file ~/.local/share/okboard/<language>-user.txt.

For exemple if you add the line:
TL/DR tldr 1 1
would make "TL/DR" appears if you swipe the letters "tldr"

(this is completely unsupported so it may not work as intended)

codecivil's picture

Installed 0.6.9-1 on Moto G falcon (XT1032), SF with german language file by mautz. Works like a charm!

cizi's picture

hello  guys, please can you give me a hint how to do a own dictionary? I can't  find the instruction anywhere :-(.. I have text file where is on each line ontal lines in  the file  is  160000.Many thanks

gembiak's picture

Is there a Polish language file available? And where can you download it?

vansid's picture

Wow, this works really well on the new Xperia - great job!  The only issue that I've seen is that it sometimes doesn't capitalize words even when the Shift is active.

ferlanero's picture

OKBoard works perfect on Xperia X with Sailfish X (2.1.3 Kymijoki)

akikk69's picture

Coming finnish support?

klinglerware's picture

I haven't tested extensively, but seems to work well on both Nexus 5 and OnePlus X.

meegouser's picture

I want to install OKBoard, but it fails every time I try it. By installing it direct from the .rpm-package, the message "A problem occured" pops up and by using the OpenRepos Warehouse app, the following screen pops up: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/3fa226-1488696668.png

Do you have an idea what goes wrong on my Jolla Phone and how I can fix it?

eber42's picture

This looks similar to the issue damoleon reported a few comments below. Try 'pkcon refresh' and let us know if it works.

meegouser's picture

Yes, that worked. The installation took forever and Warehouse froze plenty times, but now it runs very well (including German package). Thanks for the tip!

ade's picture

Hi Eber42,
By default, OKBoard doesn't work with for example the various arrow keyboard by tmi. The reason is the language can't be properly detected.

The function updateContext in Gribouille.qml strips ".qml" from the filename to determine the language. That's okay if you have en.qml, but not if you have en_arrows.qml. If you do a substr(0,2) to get the first to characters it does work. Not sure if for example pt-BR will ever occur as language code, because than that code has to be a bit smarter.

eber42's picture

It will be included in the next release.

ade's picture

Kind reminder it is still not included in the latest release.

eber42's picture

It is supposed to be fixed in the current version (with a different fix than the one you suggested).
Could you give the reference of the arrow keyboard you use so that I could try it myself ?

ade's picture

I just looked at the code and did not see a change there, so applied my own fix again.
But you are right, it is already working without my suggested change. Thanks and sorry for my false conclusion.

Feathers_McGraw's picture

Thanks for your continued development and efforts to improve the experience on large screens/high DPI devices, it's working great for me on Fairphone 2 (although I had to uninstall and reinstall before the keyboard would show up - just restarting the device or the service wasn't sufficient).

Search accuracy is much better now, and the thickness of the line is better too.

I noticed I now get search suggestions in the bar above the keyboard even without the proprietary prediction library installed. Is that a new feature? If so, thank you again. Keeps getting better and better :)

eber42's picture

Thanks for your suggestion to use a Nexus 5 for testing, it allowed me to discover a lot of issues (including the regressions when the xt9 library is missing. The new release includes workarounds for these).

The issue with need to uninstall/reinstall has been widely reported but I have not been able to reproduce it so I do not know to solve it at the moment (I will probably seek guinea pigs for next release)

damoleon's picture

Hi, I've just tried on my jolla 1 version 2.1.0 through warehouse but I get Transaction /1290_baaeaece

Status: repo-not-available

Extra details :

File'.:mw/armv7hl/libpython3_4m1_0-3.4.3-1.6.3.armv7hl.rpm' not found on medium 'https://releases.jolla.com/releases/'

Is there a workaround I could use ?


EDIT :  I Solved it running pkcon refresh

campeon's picture

Please, update it to be improve the use with Jolla C or Intex.

I would mind to pay a little for its use.

campeon's picture

i tried with  jolla C and it works amazing  !!!



eber42's picture

It runs, but you get a fairly degraded user experience which is absolutely not representative of how it is supposed to behave. Apart from that, you should not have any issue.

Support for 5" devices is planned (when I manage to find one)


erlen's picture


I updated it today, I am using the french keyboard, and when OKboard is activated the keyboard doesn't appear. When I turn it off, I recover the normal keyboard.

Do you have any idea what could be the problem?


eber42's picture

Enable logs in the settings applications, start the keyboard and send me a copy of the logs (they are located in ~/.local/share/okboard) ... and use French in e-mail communication :-)

erlen's picture

The only file edited is prediect.log and it is empty.
And it is not working with english version neither.

Maybe it could be link with a package in patchmanager I will check, or a conflict with the file of the previous version?
