sailfishos-lipstick-enable-applets [patchmanager]

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This is a lipstick patch to enable the applets layer. Applets are hovering overlay windows for a nicer multitasking experience. Kind of like "Always on top windows".

NOTE: This patch is needed only if you are using any application which needs this "Applet layer".
One such application is the Droplet Browser:

NOTE 2: You need patchmanager ( ) installed to be able to install this patch

NOTE 3: This is still a WIP. You've been warned




- Added support for the raised applet to disable system gestures


Marold's picture

Please update applet support for SFOS 2.2 Thanks in advance ! :)

Ingvix's picture

I second this. But what functionally does this actually bring? The browser seems to work fine without the patch if we ignore the annoying notification. I just hope you have not completely lost interest in developing this.

AA1AA's picture


Can you make it work with android apps such as Messenger ? It would be awesome.

saidinesh5's picture

Hi, Support for Landscape mode will be coming in the next version.

V10lator's picture

It doesn't rotate with the UI: