Pan Bikes

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Pan Bikes is an application for Sailfish OS to view the locations and real-time occupancy of city bike stations. It primarily uses the API and supports all networks and cities proxied by that API. It is also possible add new providers directly to Pan Bikes.

More than 400 cities are supported. See the map at for details.

Source code and issue tracker are available at GitHub. Translations at Transifex. Discussion at TMO.

Donations appreciated:



Application versions: 
File harbour-pan-bikes-1.0-1.noarch.rpm112.13 KB16/11/2017 - 00:22
File harbour-pan-bikes-1.1-1.noarch.rpm112.33 KB18/02/2018 - 20:13
File harbour-pan-bikes-1.2-1.noarch.rpm114.05 KB12/06/2018 - 22:26
File harbour-pan-bikes-1.2.1-1.noarch.rpm114.13 KB11/07/2018 - 00:32
File harbour-pan-bikes-1.2.2-1.noarch.rpm116.22 KB22/07/2018 - 20:05


sdiconov's picture

It displays an empty map without any bike stations. Network Velobike - Moscow is selected and works well in another app. It proves that the data is available but this app has a bug.

naytsyrhc's picture

Do you have plans to use/support OSM Scout Server as map provider?

otsaloma's picture

Absolutely not. I intend to keep this simple. And I don't see much point in offline maps for online data either.

naytsyrhc's picture

Well that's true offline/online. On the other hand: it could improve data usage, as the map doesn't have to be loaded and only the stations have to be transfered. Anyway thanks for the update and clarification.

sdiconov's picture

Unable to run PanBikes in OS on a Jolla C. It shows white screen after start and nothing happens until I cose the pan bikes app.

The same package runs OK on a Jolla 1, same OS version.  Please, check if the app handles the Jolla C screen. 

atlochowski's picture

after update to the newest version app is still in English instead of Polish

otsaloma's picture

The Polish translation files are in the RPM, I don't see anything unusual there, and the Finnish translation works for me, so the loading of translations should work too. Can you check that the polish files got installed under /usr/share/harbour-pan-bikes/locale and /usr/share/harbour-pan-bikes/translations? Is there anything weird about your environment -- did you choose Polish language via the Settings app or something more complicated?

atlochowski's picture

I have Polish language files in that directories. Every app excluding Pan Bikes and Poor Maps working good and shows Polish language.

I set language through Settings.

I checked locale:

   System Locale: n/a

       VC Keymap: n/a
      X11 Layout: n/a

So I set

localectl set-locale LANG=pl_PL.utf8

and reboot and still nothing. still your apps in english

otsaloma's picture

I just switched the language on my tablet via the settings app to Polish and your translation shows up fine for me both in Pan Bikes and Poor Maps. I haven't heard of other complaints, so I'm guessing there's something odd in your environment. And also maybe my code doesn't cover weird corner cases as the SFOS and Settings app language selection context seemed simple to me. There's a couple things you could check for me

  1. At a terminal, run command "locale" and copy-paste the output here.
  2. At a terminal, open a Python prompt with command "python3" and try the below with and without the middle line.
>> import locale
>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
>> locale.getdefaultlocale()
atlochowski's picture


[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ locale



>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")

>>> locale.getdefaultlocale()
('pl_PL', 'UTF-8')






atlochowski's picture

I set locale to pl_PL.utf8 but on my 2 devices locale is empty by default.

All others apps know that I use Polish language. They have to check language preferences somewhere else.

otsaloma's picture

The output you posted looks fine.

And, now that I think of it, almost all of the translations in Pan Bikes, and a majority in Poor Maps too, are in QML, i.e. they don't go through Python at all. These apps are run via "sailfish-qml", which takes care of loading the translations. I have no idea what could be wrong there.

atlochowski's picture

Translations don't work in pure sailfish-qml apps. Tested on jolla1

Edit: offline storage now is in a different path!

before /home/nemo/.local/share/harbour-APPLICATION/harbour-APPLICATION/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases

now ( /home/nemo/.local/share/sailfish-qml/sailfish-qml/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases

otsaloma's picture

Yes, there's apparently something broken SFOS 2.1.1, we'll just wait and see if it gets fixed for the final release.

naytsyrhc's picture

I meant the former. I know of at least one 3rd party (android) app that was capable to book a bike from call-a-bike service. So there must be some kind of api. It's probably proprietary, but I hoped that this service would offer it. Doesn't seem so unfortunately.

naytsyrhc's picture

At last! Great. Thank you very much. This was one of the apps I was still missing as a native one. CityBikeMe did not support my local bike sharing provider. Yours does! Really great. Are there plans to support booking process as well?

otsaloma's picture

Do you have a system where you have to book the bike to use it? Or do you mean the initial registering to use the bikes in general and providing your payment details or paying an annual fee? The former is very is very unlikely to happen as it's not a common problem and regarding the latter I think the most I could do is provide some information and a link to a web page. The API seems to link to GBFS data for some networks, example below, so in those cases some information is available.