ocNews for Nokia N9

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Native Harmattan client for the ownCloud News App. Synchronizes with your ownCloud server and can also be used offline (at least you can see all local available feed items and data, not the website content itself). Can manage feeds and folders on the ownCloud server (add, remove, move). User interface is inspired by the original Nokia N9 Feed Reader.

If you have not purchased ocNews on Nokia Store and like it and want to support the development, a donation would be nice. :)


  • Add feeds and folders
  • Remove feeds and folders
  • Rename feeds (since 1.8.1) and folders
  • Move feeds to different folders
  • Mark items as read or unread
  • Mark items as favourite (star) or remove them from favourites (unstar)
  • Background synchronization (since 1.3.0)
  • Event feed integration (since 1.3.0)
  • Sorting of news items
  • Choose between viewing folders or flat feeds in the main view (since 1.6.0)
  • Optional cache content images for offline reading when updating (since 1.7.0)
  • Optional show article excerpts in list views (since 1.9.0)
  • Translated into Chinese(China), Danish, Dutch (Netherlands), English, French, Galician, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish


Website: http://ocnews.buschmann23.de
Sources: https://github.com/Buschtrommel/ocNews
Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/ocnews/
Twitter: @buschmann23
Bug tracker: https://github.com/Buschtrommel/ocNews/issues
Nokia Store: http://store.ovi.com/content/395913

Application versions: 
File buschtrommel-ocnews_1.9.8_armel.deb894.18 KB13/09/2016 - 12:18
File buschtrommel-ocnews_1.9.7_armel.deb894.12 KB05/09/2016 - 23:19
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Version 1.9.8

  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.7

  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.6

  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.5

  • New: optional direct opening in Browser

Version 1.9.4

  • New: implement QsLog to create log files
  • New: maintenance option to delete all ocNews accounts
  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.3

  • Improved: translation updates

Version 1.9.2

  • Fixed: also react on text changes when rescaling rich text, fixing issue #52
  • Fixed: fixing bugs in configuration system, should also fix issue #54

Version 1.9.1

  • Changed: show All Articles entry even when there are no unread items and hide feeds and folders is set to true
  • Changed: use threaded model population for normal itemsmodel, too
  • Fixed: fix return of NULL value in database query for total unread count (should fix issue #49)

Version 1.9.0

  • New: optional show article excerpts in list views (issue #41)
  • New: optional notify about new items, also notify about errors on SailfishOS, notifications are now part of the background daemon (issue #38)
  • Changed: changelog layout
  • Changed: removed Martine Grimme's FancyScroller, using native scroller instead
  • Changed: simplified wording for some context menus in list views (issue #43)
  • Improved: code cleanups (issue #40)
  • Improved: data models (issue #44)
  • Fixed: local unread count was not updated after moving a feed (issue #46)

Version 1.8.2

  • Improved: about page design
  • Fixed: send user authentication directly in the request to adopt to latest News App changes, fixes issue #39

Version 1.8.1

  • New: option for hiding read feeds and folders (issue #37)
  • New: rename feeds
  • New: partly danish translation by flywheeldk
  • Fixed: broken russian translation for SelectionItem (issue #36)

Version 1.8.0

  • New: user selectable font size
  • New: navigate between previous and next item through toolbar icons
  • New: changelog page
  • New: partly russian translation by palacex
  • Changed: open in web browser is now a button in toolbar

Version 1.7.2

  • Fixed: image link opener was showing the same image every time after loading one

Version 1.7.1

  • New: add option to shut down engine together with reader app
  • New: translation updates
  • Changed: get image file type by magic bytes
  • Fixed: remoe css classes from item body HTML text (issue #31)

Version 1.7.0

  • New: display and handle enclosures (attached files) (issue #28)
  • New: option to download and cache images at updating (issue #16)
  • New: dialog for opening links (issue #12)
  • Fixed: resize pictures on item view (taken from Martin Grimme’s Tidings RSS reader) (issue #11)

Version 1.6.1

  • Fixed: feed list view was not refreshed after complete sync update
  • Fixed: minor stuff in translations

Version 1.6.0

  • NEW: second mode for the main view, choose between folders or all feeds (issue #10)
  • NEW: the daemon is now reacting to network (only on Harmattan) and config changes (on both) (issue #17)
  • NEW: translations for Spanish (by Mariano Flotron) and Chinese(China) (by finalmix and gwmgdemj)
  • Changed: nicer contributors page (issue #18)
  • Changed: better indication for feeds and folders with no unread articles (issue #23)

Version 1.5.2

  • NEW: french translation by Antoine Vacher aka. tigre-bleu
  • NEW: contributors page
  • Changed: use a centralized property to indicate if an operaton is running

Version 1.5.1

  • Changed: check for non existing database tables on every daemon start

Version 1.5.0

  • NEW: it is now possible to set a default sort order for the feed item list, as well to decide how already read news items should be displayes (show, hide, show after unread)
  • Fixed: searching in feed item list is now working again
  • Fixed: speed up marking all items read

Version 1.4.1

  • Fixed: when daemon was crashed without notice and account was deleted in account manager it could happen, that it was not possible to create a new accout
  • Fixed: clicking on the launcher icon is not activating an already running ocNews instance

Version 1.4.0

  • First version after Nokia Store release
  • Changed: do not start daemon at system start but on D-Bus request
  • NEW: option for shutting both completely down, reader and daemon/engine


fravaccaro's picture

After the installation process I mistakenly set-up a wrong account, I tried both to edit the current profile and create a new one from the account manager but neither of them worked - the profile mask simply doesn't appear. What I can do? Deleting ~/.local/ocNews doesn't help.

Buschtrommel's picture

If the issue is still present for you, please try version 1.9.4. Under Settings/Maintenance there is an option to remove all ocNews accounts.

Buschtrommel's picture

Sorry for all the time passing by. I don't have the N9 anymore and use qemu for the development there, what makes development really slow and annoying. Next problem is the bad documentation of the accounts for Harmattan. I did not changed anything, but on the emulator currently nothing works with my account setup. I am still investigating the issue. Sorry for that long time.

tanghus's picture

Do you plan to make the source code available? The source link on the web page is dead.

Buschtrommel's picture

Yes, definitely. After commenting and reorganising it, I will publish it on GitHub.

TMavica's picture


Maybe I havent set ssl method...because I dont know how to do, LOL

TMavica's picture

Dont know is my problem or not

I am not able to update the feed in this, but I can update in owncloud client in PC

TMavica's picture


Need to disable the SSL/TLS connection..

Buschtrommel's picture

Because your server does not support SSL? Which platform, Sailfish or Harmattan?

zaidk9's picture

Can u provide your twitter username
and v.1.0.3 for harmattan?
and a tutorial video of v.1.4.1?

Buschtrommel's picture

My twitter username is @buschmann23

Last version I have as backup is 1.0.4, I will upload all previous versions I have a backup of.

You mean video of Harmattan version?